Dear all,

the Structural Biology Unit <> from Institute of
Molecular Biology of Barcelona (Spanish Research Council) offer four PhD
positions in structural biology at the INPhINIT PhD programe from La Caixa
Foundation. Deadline is 1 February 2018.

We are looking for highly motivated and ambitious students. The INPhINIT
programme aims supporting the best scientific talent and fostering
innovative and high-quality research in Spain.

Here you can find more information about *projects*:

Here you can find more information about PhD *programme*:

Please share.


Laia Vives Adrián
Project Manager & Head of Communication

Structural Biology Unit (IBMB-CSIC)
Parc Científic de Barcelona
c/Baldiri Reixac, 15 08028 Barcelona
Tel: 934020189
 @sbu_csic <>
 Structural Biology Unit CSIC

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