Dear Rens de Vries,

Sorry for the trouble. Can you please try the following?

   1. Open the file C:\CCP4-7\7.0\InstallSetup.cmd in a text editor
   2. Change the string "--skip-phenix-dispatchers" to
   "--skip_phenix_dispatchers" (i.e. last two dashes to underscores)
   3. Save the file
   4. In a CCP4Console window cd to the directory C:\CCP4-7\7.0\
   5. Run the script InstallSetup.cmd by typing that name and pressing Enter
   6. Examine the log file called Installdisp.log (notepad.exe
   You should see many lines with no errors, only some warnings.

Please let us know if this fixes the problem. We will release a fixed
installer soon.

-- David

On 12 February 2018 at 14:00, Vries, R.M.J.M. de <>

> Dear all,
> Although I normally use Linux for all my work with CCP4i2, I now use the
> Windows because of a workshop I will be giving. Here the audience is using
> Windows almost exclusively, therefore I chose to adapt to it.
> After using the xia2/DIALS pipeline I wanted to use the
> dials.reciprocal_lattice_viewer which, fortunately, worked absolutely
> fine (truly an amazing tool). I had to use the *CCP4 console *to make the
> dials-commands work. When I tried to apply the same method for the
> dials.image_viewer, it did not work. This is the console error message:
> Which ends with:
> 1.  WindowsError: [Error 3] The system cannot find the path specified:
> 'c:\\ccp4-7\\7.0\\lib\\checkout\\cctbx-phaser\\cctbx_
> project\\rstbx\\slip_viewer/*.*'
> My slip_viewer is located in this directory by default:
> 'C:\CCP4-7\7.0\lib\py2\site-packages\cctbx_project\rstbx\slip_viewer'
> For me, the checkout folder in lib does not even exist. Any ideas to get
> around this problem?
> I am running CCP4i2 7.0.051 on Windows 7 (64 bit), but this error was also
> present on CCP4i2 7.0.051 on Windows 10 (64 bit).
> All the best,
> Rens de Vries

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