Dear CCP4BB,

I've recently solved a structure to 1.15 Angstrom which has extremely clear 
density for what appears to be a lysine covalently bound to a cysteine (S-N). 
The distance between the cys-S and lys-N is 1.8 A. I thought initially that 
there may be a methyl group between the two (based on this paper but there definitely isn't enough space.

Some more info:
The protein was purified from recombinant E. coli expression, standard buffers 
(Tris, NaCl).
Crystallisation condition contains sodium acetate and PEG.
The residues in question are not part of an active-site.

I have two questions:

Has anyone seen a cys that is involved in a sulfanamide bond with a lys?

How would one go about modeling this bond in a way that doesn't upset coot, 
refmac or PDB validation?

Thanks in advance!

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