
Download the  command line version of foxs from 

You can integrate foxs into linux scripts:

[tannerjj@dizzy ambiguity]$ cat FoXS.sh
while read pdb
  echo "processing " $pdb
  /titan/tanner/SAXS/FoXS/foxs --max_q=0.32 $pdb $dat
done < filelist

You can also use wildcards: foxs *.pdb *.dat

Type foxs without arguments to get help:

[tannerjj@dizzy ~]$ foxs
Usage: <pdb_file1> <pdb_file2> ... <profile_file1> <profile_file2> ... :

  --help                            Any number of input PDBs and profiles is
                                    supported. Each PDB will be fitted against
                                    each profile.
  --version                         FoXS (IMP applications)
                                    Copyright 2007-2016 IMP Inventors.
                                    All rights reserved.
                                    License: GNU LGPL version 2.1 or later
                                    Written by Dina Schneidman.
  -s [ --profile_size ] arg (=500)  number of points in the profile
  -q [ --max_q ] arg (=0.50)        max q value
  --min_c1 arg (=0.99)              min c1 value
  --max_c1 arg (=1.05)              max c1 value
  --min_c2 arg (=-2.00)             min c2 value
  --max_c2 arg (=4.00)              max c2 value
  -h [ --hydrogens ]                explicitly consider hydrogens in PDB files
                                    (default = false)
  -r [ --residues ]                 fast coarse grained calculation using CA
                                    atoms only (default = false)
  -b [ --background_q ] arg (=0)    background adjustment, not used by default.
                                    if enabled, recommended q value is 0.2
  -o [ --offset ]                   use offset in fitting (default = false)
  -p [ --write-partial-profile ]    write partial profile file (default = false
  -m [ --multi-model-pdb ] arg (=1) 1 - read the first MODEL only (default), 2
                                    - read each MODEL into a separate structure
                                    , 3 - read all models into a single structu
  -v [ --volatility_ratio ]         calculate volatility ratio score (default =
  -l [ --score_log ]                use log(intensity) in fitting and scoring
                                    (default = false)
  -g [ --gnuplot_script ]           print gnuplot script for gnuplot viewing
                                    (default = false)

On Jun 6, 2018, at 1:25 AM, Srivastava, Dhiraj 
<dhiraj-srivast...@uiowa.edu<mailto:dhiraj-srivast...@uiowa.edu>> wrote:

Hi All
         sorry for asking non-crystallography related question. Is it possible 
to integrate crysol or FoxS in python and pymol? I have generated thousands of 
models of my protein that I want to test against SAXS and other biochemical 
data. The ability to integrate the comparison of experimental and calculated 
X-ray scattering profile into python and pymol will be really helpful as I can 
easily calculate other parameter of my protein in pymol and compare it to other 
biochemical data. There is a pymol plugin available for SAXS but its not 
helpful for me as its not practical to use plugins for so many different 
models. I am looking for script that can automate the calculation.
             if anyone has script that can do this and is willing to share with 
me, that will be really helpful.

thank you

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John J. Tanner, PhD
Professor of Biochemistry and Chemistry
Interim Chair, Department of Biochemistry
University of Missouri-Columbia
117 Schweitzer Hall
503 S. College Avenue
Columbia, MO 65211
Phone: 573-884-1280
Fax: 573-882-2754
Email: tanne...@missouri.edu<mailto:tanne...@missouri.edu>


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