Machine Learning for Cheminformatics
A course designed for researchers and the pharmaceutical and fine-chemical 
manufacturing industries
This course covers the foundations of machine learning, applied specifically to 
industrial chemistry - so helping to get cutting-edge computing technology into 
industry to address industry problems.

According to the UK Government's industry-led 'Made Smarter Review', published 
in October 2017, there is a skills gap within some areas of industry. This 
course provides the quantitive modelling skills required to fill that gap and 
provide a new set of tools to help guide future R&D.
The five-day course is competitively priced at £1,000*

Places are limited to 30 people so register now

* Concessions for academics and partners in the ADDoPT Programme.


Monday 6 August - Friday 10 August 2018

Scientific Machine Learning Group Ada Lovelace Centre
STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Harwell Campus
Didcot, Oxfordshire OX11 0QX

How to find us: Map and 



Karen McIntyre
Scientific Computing Department - CCP4
R92 1.22 RCaH

Science & Technology Facilities Council
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Harwell Campus
OX11 0FA

Tel +44 (0) 1235 44 5790
Fax  +44 (0) 1235 56 7720

[*]     @ccp4_mx<>


**Please note that I only work part-time until 1.30pm**


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