(on behalf of the organisers)

Dear All,

We are pleased to announce a 2 day practical workshop on sample
preparation for cryo-EM single particle data collection jointly
organised by the ESRF, EMBL Grenoble and the IBS. This is the first of a
series of practical hand-on workshops to come in the future. This
workshop is aimed at PhDs, Postdocs and young scientists new to the
field of single particle cryo-EM and will be held at the European
Synchrotron in Grenoble, France from September 18th to 19th 2018. During
the course, participants will learn theoretical and practical aspects of
sample preparation for single particle cryo-EM.

There is no registration fee and meals and accommodation during the
workshop will be provided free of charge. However, participants should
arrange and pay for their own travel to/from Grenoble. A maximum of 12
participants will be selected and we will accept a limited number of
participants’ samples to be tested during the workshop. In the case
that you plan to bring your own sample(s), please clearly mention this
in your cover letter, also indicating the importance of the project.
Application for the workshop should be supported by a motivation letter
and a CV. Registration is open and can be done using the link
The deadline for application is August 31st. Successful candidates will
be informed during the first week of September.

Best regards,
Workshop organisers


Dr David FLOT
Beam-Line Operation Manager             Tel : (+33) 4 76 88 17 63
Structural Biology Group                Fax : (+33) 4 76 88 26 24
e-mail : david.f...@esrf.fr             http://www.esrf.eu
Room: 30.1.13

Physical address                        Postal address
ESRF-The European Synchrotron           ESRF-The European Synchrotron
71, Avenue des Martyrs                  CS40220
Grenoble, France                        38043 Grenoble Cedex 9


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