I am not sure if you gave your wave length but it is always worth doing an
anomalous map, and looking at relativr peak heights for your known S
positions and the putative sulphate or phosphate.
There are small differences in the expected f" at most wavelengths.

Chemical arguments are doubtless better of Course!

On 1 August 2018 at 16:54, armin.wag...@diamond.ac.uk <
armin.wag...@diamond.ac.uk> wrote:

> Dear David,
> The long-wavelength beamline I23 at Diamond (http://www.diamond.ac.uk/
> Instruments/Mx/I23.html) can go all way down to the phosphorous edge.
> While data quality will be obviously compromised by absorption effects (we
> are working on this), for a reasonably well diffracting crystal like yours
> we should be able to get anomalous difference fourier maps from data
> collected above and below the sulphur edge (lambda ~5 A) to answer your
> question.
> We’ve published some test crystal work around the sulphur edge a while
> ago, you might want to have a look here:
> https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nimb.2016.12.005
> The beamline is currently in an advanced commissioning phase accepting a
> limited number of projects. So, please get into touch if you are
> interested. We are currently sorting out a few more hardware and software
> aspects before we can run the beamline as a standard user facility, but we
> have made a lot of progress over the past months. There will be more
> details here on the bulletin board ahead of the next call for proposals in
> autumn.
> Best regards,
>     Armin
> Postdoc position for long-wavelength crystallography:
> https://vacancies.diamond.ac.uk/vacancy/post-doctoral-
> research-associate-355285.html
> On 31/07/2018, 14:38, "CCP4 bulletin board on behalf of David Schuller" <
> CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK on behalf of schul...@cornell.edu> wrote:
>     How can one distinguish between a sulphate or phosphate in an electron
>     density map? Both are present in the mother liquor, and resolution is
> in
>     the range of 1.75 - 2.25 A
>     --
>     ============================================================
> ===========
>     All Things Serve the Beam
>     ============================================================
> ===========
>                                     David J. Schuller
>                                     modern man in a post-modern world
>                                     MacCHESS, Cornell University
>                                     schul...@cornell.edu
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