Dear all,

We are encountering a differences in indexing using different XDS versions, which results in either 2 or 4 mols/asu (SG P1; structure determination via MR (30% seq ID model)) and either successful refinement or stuck R/Rfree

- the data were collected at ESRF ID30A3 (Aiger detector) and extend to about 2.3A resolution (CC1/2 ~50%)

The XDS version build 20180126 (and or autoprocessing at the ESRF via autoproc, dials, xdsapp or grenade -> here also xds version from 20180126 used) gives us:

P1  38.65    50.76    61.11 110.057  99.945  90.197
XDS complains and I need to use "DEFPIX INTEGRATE CORRECT"
-> 2mols/asu, structure refines to R/Rfree of 22/25

In contrast the actual XDS-Version BUILT=20180409 results in:
P1  39.2   51.3  116.8  86.3  82.3  89.8
but XDS runs smoothly.
-> 4mols/asu, tNCS, R/Rfree stuck at 28/32
If I feed XDS with the smaller cell above, it fails.

(The smaller cell is also found by Xia2/dials via the CCP4i2 interface.)

Thus I am wondering, what are the differences between the two XDS-versions? (I remember vaguely that there was a tread about different XDS-versions, but couldn't find it..)

Cheers Sabine

Dr. Sabine Schneider
Research Group Leader
Technical University of Munich
Department of Chemistry
Chair of Biochemistry
Lichtenbergstr. 4
85748 Garching
Tel.: +49 (0) 89 289 13759
Fax: +49 (0) 89 289 13363

Dr. Sabine Schneider
Research Group Leader
Technical University of Munich
Department of Chemistry
Chair of Biochemistry
Lichtenbergstr. 4
85748 Garching
Tel.: +49 (0) 89 289 13759
Fax: +49 (0) 89 289 13363


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