Hi All

My protein is dimer both in protein buffer and crystallisation reservoir, which 
is confirmed by calibration column Supderdex 200 10/300 increase. 

The crystal can diffract to 3 and the space group was determined to be P212121. 

The solvent content and Matthews coefficient shows 
1 copy, solvent content is 74.5% and Matthews coeff is 4.82
2 cpoies, solvent content is 49% and Matthews coeff is 2.41 .

I did MR. I can only get one molecule in ASU and the R work / R free is 
0.31/0.35 after several cycles of refinement. There are some uncontinued 
electron density, which indicating may be one more chain is there. 

I tried to search the other one by disallow the packing test or increase the 
packing cut off value in phaser, I can get two molecules, but only one has good 
fit to the electron density map. The other chain hardly have any electron 

Does anyone have any experience regarding this situation? We appreciate your 


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