
Dear Colleagues,

Abstract and Awards & Scholarships Submission Deadlines Approaching

Do not forget to submit your abstract for oral presentations before 1 September 
2018! Visit the AsCA 2018/CRYSTAL 32 conference website at 
http://asca2018.org/call-for-abstracts/ for guidelines, and submission details. 
In addition to oral presentations, we also welcome poster presentations. The 
deadline for poster submissions is 1 November 2018.

The deadline for awards and travel scholarships is also closing on 1 September. 
Check out the details online<http://asca2018.org/awards/> and download the 
application form.

If you're planning on coming along to the conference, be sure to register using 
your before 2 October 2018 to ensure you take advantage our our discounted 
early-bird rates. Please register online at http://asca2018.org/registration/.

The conference will run from 2-5 December 2018. Keep up-to-date with our 
conference programme<http://asca2018.org/programme/>, outstanding lineup of 
workshops<http://asca2018.org/workshops/>, and 
speakers<http://asca2018.org/speakers/>. Don't forget to get in early and book 
your accommodation<http://asca2018.org/accommodation/> too!

Important Dates:
1 September 11.59pm NZST - Submission deadline for those requesting oral 
1 September - Submission deadline for awards and travel scholarships
2 October - Early-bird registration closes
1 November - Submission deadline for those requesting poster presentations
2-5 December - Conference

We look forward to meeting you in Auckland.

Kind regards,
Dr. Christopher Squire (University of Auckland), Professor Ted Baker 
(University of Auckland), Professor Kurt Krause (University of Otago) and the 
AsCA 2018/CRYSTAL 32 Committee.



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