Dear All,
International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Warsaw (Poland )is 
recruiting a senior group leader, an excellent mid-career investigator with a 
PhD degree, outstanding and transformative research accomplishments and 
demonstrated leadership experience.

IIMCB offers:
Group Leader position (professorial level) on an initially 5-year appointment 
with the possibility of extension, subject to external merit-based evaluation
* Research independence
* Highly competitive salaries for the PI and his/her team members
* Start-up funds
* Laboratory space and unlimited access to cutting-edge equipment
* Support in applications for additional grant funding
* Full technical, administrative and organizational support from professional 
English-speaking personnel

Applications should include:
* a cover letter explaining reasons for the application
* a Curriculum Vitae including a list of publications and grants
* a statement of scientific achievements (up to 1 page)
* a summary of the applicant's future research plans (2 pages)
* contact details of two academic reference persons
* copies of three most important papers
Applications should be submitted by e-mail to
Deadline: October 31st, 2018
The position is funded through the H2020 ERA Chairs project MOSaIC, Project ID: 

For more details please see:

Best regards,
Elzbieta Nowak Ph.D.

Laboratory of Protein Structure
International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology
4 Ks. Trojdena Street,
02-109 Warsaw, Poland
Telephone: (+48 22) 597 07 21
Fax: (+48 22) 597 07 15


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