Dear all

please consider the following post-doctoral position available at the 
Synchrotron SOLEIL in France. Would you or colleagues be interested, I would 
greatly appreciate if you could forward this message to them.

Cheers, leo

Postdoctoral position in life sciences (24 months) 
Synchrotron SOLEIL 
Application deadline: 9AM on October 15, 2018.

microfluidic-based sample handling
Post-doctoral position at the Synchrotron SOLEIL

SOLEIL is the French national synchrotron facility, located on the Saclay 
Plateau in the Paris suburbs. It is a multi-disciplinary instrument and a 
research laboratory, whose mission is to run research programs using 
synchrotron radiation, to develop state-of-the-art instrumentation on the 
beamlines, and to make those available to the scientific community. SOLEIL, a 
unique tool for both academic research and industrial applications across a 
wide range of disciplines including physics, biology, chemistry etc., is used 
by over 5,000 researchers coming from France and abroad. It is based on a 
state-of-the-art synchrotron source, both in terms of brilliance and stability. 
The facility is a "public" company employing about 350 people, founded by the 
CNRS and the CEA, and partner of the Paris-Saclay University. 

Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Researcher to work at the 
Synchrotron SOLEIL, within the Biology and Health scientific sections and the 
microfluidic laboratory for a fixed-term period of 24 months.

The Synchrotron SOLEIL regroups several instruments applied to fundamental 
research as well as industrial applications. Within SOLEIL, the Health and 
Biology (HelioBio) scientific section makes use of specific approaches applying 
a large spectrum of the synchrotron light to tackle problematics relevant to 
life sciences in an integrated approach. Moreover, annex instruments are in 
place to favour sample preparation and characterisation, for a better 
understanding of the systems being studied.

For further information, please contact: 
Dr. LĂ©onard CHAVAS - HelioBio scientific section responsible: 
The postdoctoral duties will include coordinating most of the instruments, and 
more specifically the microfluidic laboratory and related equipments, provided 
by SOLEIL for studying the biology of oxygen sensitive samples in an integrated 
manner within the HelioBio team. The project involves developing specific tools 
for handling crystalline samples in oxygen-free environments. The overall 
project is in line with the scientific program of the HelioBio scientific 
section. In this context, the postdoctoral candidate will be involved in both 
the instrumental and scientific programs of different beamlines and 
laboratories within the section. 
Qualifications and expertises
The postdoctoral candidate should hold a PhD degree in Physics, Materials 
Sciences, Life Sciences, or a relevant discipline, or have submitted his/her 
thesis prior to taking up the appointment. The candidate should have practical 
skills and experience in synchrotron facilities and resulting methodologies for 
imaging, sample characterisation and/or structure determination. Previous 
experience with microfluidic devices will be greatly appreciated.

The following aspects will be considered with the greatest attention:

expertise in molecular and cellular biology
proven knowledge of macromolecular crystallography
capability in developing complex experimental equipment
demonstrated experience in organizing the activity at shared experimental 

The candidate must be fluent in English (written and spoken). Knowledge of 
French is also desirable but not mandatory. 

General conditions
The offer concerns a post-doctoral contract (2-year). The place of work will be 
the Synchrotron SOLEIL site at Saint-Aubin (Essonne-91, France).

This position is open to people with disabilities.

Applications should include a motivation letter and Curriculum Vitae with the 
contact information of two referees.

Leonard Chavas
Tel: +33(0)-644-321-614

Leonard Chavas
Synchrotron SOLEIL
L'Orme des Merisiers
Saint-Aubin - BP 48
91192 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex
Phone:  +33 169 359 746
Mobile: +33 644 321 614


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