CryoEM post-doctoral positions are available at the Duke-NUSGraduate Medical 
School, Singapore.


Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School is a global partnership betweenDuke University 
in the US and the National University of Singapore. Two post-doctoralpositions 
with competitive salary packages are available at the laboratory ofShee-Mei Lok 
( in the Emerging Infectious Diseaseprogram of 
the Duke-NUS.  Projectsundertaken by the post-doc will lead to further 
understanding of the neutralizationmechanism of various antiviral therapeutics 
against flavivirus/alphaviruses viruses.Individuals with experience in x-ray 
crystallography and/or cryoEM imagereconstruction are highly desirable.

            Our lab uses the cryoEM facility atthe National University of 
Singapore (NUS), which houses a Titan Krios. We alsocollaborate extensively 
with other biophysical groups in Singapore that usetechniques such as Deuterium 
Hydrogen Exchange Mass Spectrometry (DHXMS) andMolecular Dynamic Simulations 
(MDS). Successful applicants will haveopportunities to learn across multiple 
disciplines for studying virus structures:virology, immunology, x-ray 
crystallography, cryoEM single particle analysis,CryoEM tomography, DHXMS and 

            Singapore is a modern city state andwith easy access to nearby 
exotic destinations in South East Asia. We also haveexcellent Asian cuisines. 


Anthony Bourdain on Singapore’s food scene: “Singapore is possibly the most 
food-centric place on Earth, with themost enthusiastic diners, the most varied 
and abundant, affordable dishes —available for cheap — on a per-square-mile 
basis. The hawker centers(basically, food courts where individually-owned mom 
and pop operations servestreet food from tiny shops and booths) are wonderlands 
of Chinese, Indian, andMalay specialties. It’s like shooting fish in a barrel 
making food porn inSingapore.”


Interestedindividuals should send their CV, experience, research interest, and 
a list ofthree referees to Dr Shee-mei Lok at this email:





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