I hope you are compressing your images, typically that makes them 1/4 the 
original size.

SBGrid and Wladek Minor also have image archival services. As I am replying 
from my cell phone while on vacation, the links to those services are not handy 
to me. But they have been mentioned many times on this bulletin board, and 
should be easily findable by an Internet search.


Diana R. Tomchick
Department of Biophysics, Rm. ND10.214A
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
5323 Harry Hines Blvd.
Dallas, TX 75061 USA
214-645-6383 (office)

On Nov 29, 2018, at 3:54 PM, Lieberman, Raquel L 

Dear All,

How do your labs handle long-term raw data backups? My lab is maxing out our 
6TB RAID backup (with two off-site mirrors) so I am investigating our next long 
term solution. The vast majority of the data sets are published structures 
(i.e. processed data deposited in PDB) or redundant/unusable so immediate 
access is not anticipated, but the size of data sets is increasing quickly with 
time, so I am looking for a scalable-yet-affordable solution.

Would be grateful for input into various options, e.g. bigger HD/RAIDs, cloud 
backup, tape, anything else.

I will compile.

Thank you,

Raquel L. Lieberman, Ph.D.
School of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Georgia Institute of Technology


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