Hi Rob,

I would think that this phrase is the key one:

"The move will mean that, while applications and games developed with OpenGL 
and OpenCL will continue to run, they will almost certainly become increasingly 

Given that (IIUC) most crystallographic software uses pretty basic openGL I 
would expect it to keep working for a while i.e. 3-5 years. Certainly though I 
can see a time when supporting Windows, OS X and Linux with one code base for 
graphic-heavy applications becoming a real pain. 

Thing is, providing us with nice laptops etc, which work great with COOT does 
not add much to anyone’s bottom line… and supporting anything (even things 
which work) costs someone money.

Cheerio Graeme

> On 1 Dec 2018, at 15:11, R. D. Oeffner <rd...@cam.ac.uk> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm sure many of you have heard that Apple is deprecating OpenGL on MacOS 
> with the Metal API being their alternative.
> https://www.v3.co.uk/v3-uk/news/3033587/apple-deprecates-opengl-and-opencl-from-macos-1014-mojave
> Do people think this is really going to happen and that they will not try to 
> support OpenGL for the foreseeable future given the number of legacy programs 
> out there? I'm curious to learn what people writing cross platform 3D 
> graphics programs plan to do for MacOS?
> Rob
> --
> Robert Oeffner, Ph.D.
> Research Associate, The Read Group
> Department of Haematology,
> Cambridge Institute for Medical Research
> University of Cambridge
> Cambridge Biomedical Campus
> Wellcome Trust/MRC Building
> Hills Road
> Cambridge CB2 0XY
> www.cimr.cam.ac.uk/investigators/read/index.html
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