
I think it's unlikely to be “just one” molecule — It’s much more likely an 
average over multiple states in the crystal (i.e. that site is disordered).
Therefore, IMHO, modelling anything more than a couple of waters is highly 
misleading to anyone interpreting your model afterwards.

If you do try to model it with something, make sure check what the refined 
B-factor is — if they're much larger than the surroundings, then delete what 
you added and leave the site unmodelled because you "cannot determine the 
likely local model based on the quality of the crystallographic data and the 
local chemical environment”.

You don’t need to model every single blob in the crystal — only model the 
clearly resolved ones, or the ones for which you can construct a “sensible" 


On 18 Jan 2019, at 12:03, Satvik Kumar 
<kumarsatvi...@gmail.com<mailto:kumarsatvi...@gmail.com>> wrote:

Dear Community,

I am solving a structure by MR at 2.1 A. I am unable to figure out what to fit 
in the two electron density blobs that I see.

The protein in Tris buffer and DTT was suplemented with sodium pyrophosphate 
before setting up the trays. The crystals were grown using MIB buffer (Malonic 
acid, Imidazole and Boric acid) and PEG 1500.

The images show the 2Fo-Fc electron density contoured at 1.3 sigma.

Can the experts kindly suggest what I can fit in these blobs?



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