Call for proposals utilising Instruct-funded structural biology techniques

If you don't have local access to ALL the structural biology instrumentation 
you need for your research you can access some of the best structural biology 
facilities in Europe.

Instruct has 18 facilities in 9 Centres around Europe and in Israel offering 
access to a full range of advanced technologies for obtaining structural and 
dynamic information on systems in various dimensions, complexity and 
resolution. Instruct also ensures expert support at the facility for the best 
research outcome.

Access to the infrastructure at Instruct Centres is provided for all Instruct 
members and there are no charges for use of the Infrastructure instrumentation 
or the expert support. Consumable costs, accommodation and travel are supported 
by Instruct funds up to a maximum of €1500 per visit. In some cases, additional 
funds may be requested from the user to cover exceptional consumable costs and 
these should be negotiated between the user and the host Instruct Centre before 
work commences.

Proposals for funded access to the full set of Instruct facilities are now 
invited. Register at<> and 
submit your proposal online.

The deadline for this round of proposal submission is 5pm CET, 31st March 2019.

Best wishes

Instruct Operations team

Instruct member countries (presently BE, CZ, DK, ES, FR, IL, IT, LV, NL, PT, 

Please note my new email address

Dr Claudia Alen Amaro
Scientific Project Manager
Oxford House
Parkway Court
John Smith Drive
Tel:+44 1865987629
Follow us on twitter @instructhub


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