This year the University of York will be hosting a Protein Crystallography
Summer School, sponsored by CCP4 and others, which will take place 1-7
September. (This school has previously been held biennially in St Andrews.)

The course aims to cover the theoretical and practical aspects of protein
crystallography from protein expression and purification, through crystal
growth to data collection on in-house and synchrotron sources, phasing
methods, automated model building and phase extension, refinement, and
validation. Hands-on sessions in data processing (XIA2, DIALS), molecular
replacement, MAD/SAD phasing, refinement and electron density map
interpretation (in COOT) will be included.

The School is intended for postgraduates or postdocs new to
crystallography. The week is very intensive, and gives a concentrated
overview of the methods which many find useful.

As in the past, priority is given to UK applicants because of the funding
arrangements, but is open to a limited number of overseas applicants.

For further details and the application form please see

Tracey Gloster (University of St Andrews)

Johan Turkenburg (University of York)

Dr. Johan P. Turkenburg                     X-ray facilities manager
York Structural Biology Laboratory
University of York
York YO10 5DD   UK                          Phone (+) 44 1904 328251


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