The current Rfree selection is done in the highest possible Laue group - eg
trigonal uses P6/mmm - then the selection is proogated to the chosen Laue
group - eg P3. So IF the ncs reflects a higher Laue symmetry as it often
does the FreeR is sort of buffered against the ncs- effect..

That wont always be true of course but it does help avoid NCS bias.

On Sat, 1 Jun 2019 at 22:57, Jonathan Cooper <> wrote:

> I have done some more tests with different programs for choosing the
> R-free set in shells or at random and the results are at the same link:
> There still seems to be no significant difference between the normal
> R-free and the R-free in shells, with up to 20-fold NCS present. I can't
> comment on twinning, but with NCS it would seem that the normal CCP4 way of
> picking the R-free set is as good as anything else!
> On Sunday, 26 May 2019, 14:02:50 BST, dusan turk <>
> wrote:
> Dear colleagues,
> > Does ncs bias R-free? And if so, can it be avoided by special selection
> of
>     the free set?
> It occurs to me that we tend to forget that the objective of structure
> determination is not the model with the lowest model bias, but the model
> which is closest to the true structure. The structure without model bias is
> the structure without a model - which is not really helpful.
> An angle on the NCS issue is provided by the work of Silva & Rossmann
> (1985, Acta Cryst B41, 147-157), who discarded most of data almost
> proportionally to the level of NCS redundancy (using 1/7th for WORK set and
> 6/7 for TEST set in the case of 10-fold NCS). They did it in 1990s in order
> to make refinement of their large structure computationally feasible:
> “Despite the reduction in the number of variables imposed by the
> non-crystallographic constraints, the problem remained a formidable one if
> all 298615 crystallographically independent reflections were to be used in
> the refinement. However, the reduction of size of the asymmetric unit in
> real space should be equivalent to a corresponding reduction in reciprocal
> space. Hence, one-tenth of refinement of the independent data might suffice
> for refinement.” In conclusion they stated that “This is the first time
> that the structure of a complete virus has been refined by a
> reciprocal-space method.” To conclude, to select an independent data set to
> refined against, one should take an n-th fraction of reflections from the
> data set containing the n-fold NCS.
> Now on the bias of the concept of R-free itself. As we known, each term in
> the Fourier series is orthogonal to all other terms, hence the projection
> of any two terms on each other is zero. We also know that diffraction
> pattern of a crystal structure is composed of Iobs which reflect Fobs. Fobs
> are a Fourier series of terms . From measured set of Iobs we can directly
> calculate |Fobs|, but not their phase. To calculate the phase in refinement
> we use Fmodel structure factors, of which the most significant part are
> Fcalc calculated from atomic model. However, the model is changed during
> model building and refinement (atomic positions, B-factors and
> occupancies), all Fmodel structure factors change in size and in phase
> angle.
> During refinement using a cross validated maximum likelihood target
> function atomic model is fitted against the selected subset of |Fobs|,
> called WORK set, using a corresponding subset of Fmodel. The remaining part
> of structure factors of Fmodel, called the TEST set is used to calculate
> the weighted terms used in refinement and is based on phase error
> estimates. This Fmodel fraction equally depends on attributes of all atoms
> of the model. As consequence, the TEST fraction of Fmodel structure factors
> is model dependent. Now comes the catch, if the TEST fraction of structure
> factors (Fobs) was truly independent from the model, then it should remain
> so also during the refinement. As consequence and simultaneous proof of
> this independency, the R-free should not be affected by refinement. As we
> know this holds only for the incorrect structure solutions. Their atoms are
> refined in direction that do not lead towards the true structure. As soon
> as a structure solution is correct, its improvements will lower R-free
> because the model is related to the true crystal structure. This is in my
> opinion the only true value of the R-free gap criterion. The problems are
> that use of the WORK subset makes refinement to aim off the true target and
> that the use of TEST fraction for estimating phase error correctness is an
> approximation not justified by the claim of independency of the TEST set. I
> do not want to undermine the historical importance of the TEST set use for
> refinement and structure validation, however we need and can do better.
> As shown by Silva & Rossman in 1985 the concept of independency of a TEST
> subset fraction of Fobs structure factors is not true for the structures
> composed of equal copies of molecules present in asymmetric unit of a
> crystal (crystals with NCS) . The same reasoning can be applied to the
> twinned data sets. However, de-twining is model dependent, hence the claim
> of independency of TEST and WORK subsets of Fobs structure factors actually
> fail due to dependency of the Fmodel WORK and TEST subsets.
> The significant part of model bias originates from the use of chemical
> restraints in refinement that effect positions of intermediate bonding and
> non-bonding partners and propagate through crystallographic terms to all
> atoms. To overcome this problem we replaced the calculation of phase error
> estimates, which is based on the TEST subset of structure factors, by
> calculation of phase error estimates which is using WORK subset or all data
> and Fmodel structure factors calculated from kicked model generated by
> randomly displacing atomic positions. In the Figures 6 and 7 there is a
> poor or non-existing correlation between R-free gaps and phase errors. For
> details please read ( Praznikar, J. & Turk, D. (2014) Free kick instead of
> cross-validation in maximum-likelihood refinement of macromolecular crystal
> structures. Acta Cryst. D70, 3124-3134.
> We
> concluded “Since the ML FK approach allows the use of all data in
> refinement with a gain in structure accuracy and thereby delivers lower
> model bias, this work encourages the use of all data in the refinement of
> macromolecular structures.”
> Just to add, it appears that the R-free discussions keep resurfacing,
> because the use of the R-free concept in refinement and structure
> validation persistently raises doubts about its validity. The discussions
> that follow try to strengthen the beliefs. In my opinion, however, »the
> persistent use of R-free as an indicator of structure correctness is a
> result of the desire to simplify the reality by wishful thinking.” (Turk
> (2017), Boxes of Model Building and Visualization, Protein Crystallography,
> Methods in MolecularBiology 1607, Springer protocols).
> I hope this helps to clarify a few issues.
> dusan turk
> > On 25 May 2019, at 01:00, CCP4BB automatic digest system <
>> wrote:
> >
> > Date:    Fri, 24 May 2019 22:27:28 +0000
> > From:    Jonathan Cooper <>
> > Subject: Re: Does ncs bias R-free? And if so, can it be avoided by
> special selection of the free set?
> >
> > Having been fond of the idea discussed above i.e. that when NCS is
> present, one should have the R-free set chosen in shells, I did some simple
> tests. Many others must have done the same, but here's how it went:
> > 1) Choose a few familiar structures, both with and without NCS and get
> the data.
> > 2) Since there was some difficulty in remembering if the original R-free
> sets were in shells or not, I ditched any existing test set (shock, but see
> 3 below) and generated new ones, both at random and in shells (using
> SFTOOLS and I repeated some with an old copy of SHELXPRO). Some of the
> reflection files lacked original R-free sets since they weredeposited
> before the R-free was invented.
> > 3) Reduce the bias of each model to the reflections that are now in the
> new test setsand tease out over-fitting by rattling the structures a bit,
> i.e. add a random +/-0.1 Angstroms to x, y and z of each atom (0.17
> Angstroms net shift) and reset all the B-factors to 30 A^2.
> > 4) Refine the rattled structures with the new R-free sets, i.e. random
> and in shells (no NCS restraints).
> > 5) If anyone is really interested, the results are here:
> >
> > but to summarise, assuming the programs have picked the test sets in
> shells or otherwise correctly (!), there seems to be no significant
> difference between the R-free in shells and the normal one, whether NCS is
> present or not. If anything, the R-free in shells tends to be a tiny bit
> lower than the normal R-free when NCS is present, although this is probably
> by chance due to the small number of tests done!
> > I am sure this is a well known fact, but haven't had the chance to test
> it till now!    On Sunday, 19 May 2019, 13:22:00 BST, Ian Tickle <
>> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Hi Ed
> > Yes, Rfree: my favourite topic, I'll take this one on!  First off, we
> all need to be ultra-careful and precise about the terminology here, for
> fear of creating even more confusion.  For example what on earth is meant
> by "reflections ... are uncorrelated"?  A reflection can be regarded as a
> object that possesses a set of attributes (indices, d spacing, setting
> angles, position on detector, LP correction, intensity, amplitude, phase,
> errors in those, etc. etc.).  An object as such is not associated with any
> kind of value (it is rather an instance of a class of objects possessing
> the same set of attributes but with different values for those attributes),
> so it's totally meaningless to talk about the correlation, or lack thereof,
> of two sets of objects (what's the correlation of a bag of apples and a bag
> of oranges?).  You can only talk about the correlation of the values of the
> objects' attributes (e.g. the apples' and oranges' size or weight).
> Perhaps you'll say that it was clear from the context that you meant the
> correlation of the reflection's measured intensities (or amplitudes).  If
> that is what you meant then you would be wrong!  The fact that it's not
> about NCS-related intensities or amplitudes does rather throw a spanner in
> the works of those who claim that's it's the correlation of these
> quantities that obliges one to choose the test set in a certain way.
> > Before I say why, I would also point out that R factors are not the
> quantities minimised in refinement: for one thing the conventional Rwork
> and Rfree are unweighted so all reflections whether poorly or well-measured
> contribute equally, which makes no sense.  In ML refinement it's the
> negative log-likelihood gain (-LLG) that's minimised so that is the
> quantity you should be using.  This means that one cannot expect Rwork to
> be a minimum at convergence since it's not directly related to LLGwork.  In
> addition one has no idea what is the confidence interval of an R factor so
> it's impossible to say whether a given decrease in R is significant or
> not.  So R factors are entirely unsuited for any kind of quantitative
> analysis of model errors, and I despair when I read papers that do just
> that.  The R factor was devised in the 50's before calculators or computers
> became readily available and crystallographic computations were performed
> with pencil & paper!  So the form of the R factor, i.e. using an unweighted
> absolute value instead of a weighted square as would have been appropriate
> for least squares refinement, was specifically designed as a
> rough-and-ready guide of refinement progress, not a quantitative measure.
> > To see why it's not about intensities or amplitudes, it's important to
> understand the purpose and operation of cross-validation (a.k.a.
> 'jack-knife test') with a test set set aside for this purpose and using a
> statistic such as LLGfree (or Rfree if you must), in order to quantify the
> agreement of the model with the test set.  In any scientific experiment the
> measuring apparatus is never perfect so never reports the true values of
> the quantities being measured: measurement errors are an inevitable fact of
> life.  Cross-validation flags up the impact of these errors on the model
> that is used to explain the measurements by some process of best-fitting to
> them.  Note that by 'model' I mean the mathematical model, i.e. in this
> case the structure-factor equation that relates the atomic model to the
> measurements.  The adjustments in the model's variable parameters (x, y, z,
> B etc.) during refinement may give a closer fit between the true and
> calculated amplitudes in which case both -LLGwork and -LLGfree will both
> decrease (as indicated above Rwork and Rfree may go up or down
> unpredictably).
> > Unfortunately we have only the measured amplitudes, not the true ones,
> so in this process of fitting one may go too far and fit to the measurement
> errors ('overfitting'), which will obviously introduce errors in the
> model.  If one only considers the refinement target function (LLG) or
> Rwork, it will always appear that the model is improving even when it isn't
> (i.e. agreeing better with the measured values but not necessarily with the
> true values due to the errors in the measured values).  This generally
> happens because in the attempt to extract more detail in the model from the
> data one has set up a model with more variables (or fewer/too loose
> restraints) than the data can support.
> > Since the changes in the model on overfitting will not be related to
> changes required to obtain the true model values but to completely
> arbitrary random numbers unrelated to the truth, and provided the
> measurement errors in the test set are uncorrelated with those in the
> working set, the test-set statistic will most likely go on its own sweet
> way (i.e. up) indicating overfitting.  If for any reason the measurement
> errors of working and test-set reflections are correlated, then the
> test-set statistic will be biased towards the working-set value and so will
> not be a reliable diagnostic of overfitting.  Note that the overfitting
> fate is decided at the point where we choose the starting set of parameters
> and restraints, though it doesn't become apparent until after the
> subsequent refinement run has completed.  Then one should redesign the
> model with fewer variables and/or more/tighter restraints, and repeat the
> last run, rather than proceed further with the faulty model.  If
> overfitting is diagnosed by the cross-validation test, try something else!
> > So there you have it: what matters is that the _errors_ in the
> NCS-related amplitudes are uncorrelated, or at least no more correlated
> than the errors in the non-NCS-related amplitudes, NOT the amplitudes
> themselves.  This is like when talking about the standard deviation of a
> quantity, do you mean the quantity itself (e.g. the electron density in the
> map), or the _error_ in that quantity (the practice of calling the latter
> the 'standard deviation in the error' or 'standard error' to avoid this
> confusion is to be commended).
> > Finally let's examine this: are the _errors_ in the NCS-related
> amplitudes expected to be more correlated than errors of non-NCS-related
> amplitudes, giving test-set statistic bias if the NCS-related working-set
> reflection is selected to be in the test-set. as opposed to having both in
> the same set?  Clearly counting errors are totally random and uncorrelated
> with anything so they will contribute zero correlation to both NCS and
> non-NCS-related errors in amplitudes.  What other sources of measurement
> error are there?  - most likely errors in image scale factors, errors due
> to variability in the illuminated volume of the crystal and errors due to
> radiation damage.  Is there any reason to believe that any of these effects
> could introduce more correlation of errors of NCS-related intensities
> compared with non-NCS-related?  I would suggest that this could happen only
> by a complete fluke!
> > Cheers
> > -- Ian
> >
> > On Sun, 19 May 2019 at 04:34, Edward A. Berry <>
> wrote:
> >
> > Revisiting (and testing) an old question:
> >
> > On 08/12/2003 02:38 PM, wrote:
> >> ***  For details on how to be removed from this list visit the  ***
> >> ***          CCP4 home page         ***
> >
> >> On 08/12/2003 06:43 AM, Dirk Kostrewa wrote:
> >>>
> >>> (1) you only need to take special care for choosing a test set if you
> _apply_
> >>> the NCS in your refinement, either as restraints or as constraints. If
> you
> >>> refine your NCS protomers without any NCS restraints/constraints, both
> your
> >>> protomers and your reflections will be independent, and thus no
> special care
> >>> for choosing a test set has to be taken
> >>
> >> If your space group is P6 with only one molecule in the asymmetric unit
> but you instead choose the subgroup P3 in which to refine it, and you now
> have two molecules per asymmetric unit related by "local" symmetry to one
> another, but you don't apply it, does that mean that reflections that are
> the same (by symmetry) in P6 are uncorrelated in P3 unless you apply the
> "NCS"?
> >
> > ===================================================
> > The experiment described below  seems to show that Dirk's initial
> > statement was correct: even in the case where the "ncs" is actually
> > crystallographic, and the free set is chosen randomly, R-free is not
> > affected by how you pick the free set.  A structure is refined with
> > artificially low symmetry, so that a 2-fold crystallographic operator
> > becomes "NCS". Free reflections are picked either randomly (in which
> > case the great majority of free reflections are related by the NCS to
> > working reflections), or taking the lattice symmetry into account so
> > that symm-related pairs are either both free or both working. The final
> > R-factors are not significantly different, even with repeating each mode
> > 10 times with independently selected free sets. They are also not
> > significantly different from the values obtained refining in the correct
> > space group, where there is no ncs.
> >
> > Maybe this is not really surprising. Since symmetry-related reflections
> > have the same resolution, picking free reflections this way is one way
> > of picking them in (very) thin shells, and this has been reported not to
> > avoid bias: See Table 2 of Kleywegt and Brunger Structure 1996, Vol 4,
> > 897-904. Also results of Chapman et al.(Acta Cryst. D62, 227–238). And
> see:
> >
> >
> > But this is more significant: in cases of lattice symmetry like this,
> > the ncs takes working reflections directly onto free reflections. In the
> > case of true ncs the operator takes the reflection to a point between
> > neighboring reflections, which are closely coupled to that point by the
> > Rossmann G function. Some of these neighbors are outside the thin shell
> > (if the original reflection was inside; or vice versa), and thus defeat
> > the thin-shells strategy.  In our case the symm-related free reflection
> > is directly coupled to the working reflection by the ncs operator, and
> > its neighbors are no closer than the neighbors of the original
> > reflection, so if there is bias due to NCS it should be principally
> > through the sym-related reflection and not through its neighbors. And so
> > most of the bias should be eliminated by picking the free set in thin
> > shells or by lattice symmetry.
> >
> > Also, since the "ncs" is really crystallographic, we have the control of
> > refining in the correct space group where there is no ncs. The R-factors
> > were not significantly different when the structure was refined in the
> > correct space group. (Although it could be argued that that leads to a
> > better structure, and the only reason the R-factors were the same is
> > that bias in the lower symmetry refinement resulted in lowering Rfree
> > to the same level.)
> >
> > Just one example, but it is the first I tried- no cherry-picking. I
> > would be interested to know if anyone has an example where taking
> > lattice symmetry into account did make a difference.
> >
> > For me the lack of effect is most simply explained by saying that, while
> > of course ncs-related reflections are correlated in their Fo's and Fc's,
> > and perhaps in in their |Fo-Fc|'s, I see no reason to expect that the
> > _changes_ in |Fo-Fc| produced by a step of refinement will be correlated
> > (I can expound on this). Therefore whatever refinement is doing to
> > improve the fit to working reflections is equally likely to improve or
> > worsen the fit to sym-related free reflections. In that case it is hard
> > to see how refinement against working reflections could bias their
> > symm-related free reflections.  (Then how does R-free work? Why does
> > R-free come down at all when you refine? Because of coupling to
> > neighboring working reflections by the G-function?)
> >
> > Summary of results (details below):
> > 0. structure 2CHR, I422, as reported in PDB, with 2-Sigma cutoff)
> >  R: 0.189          Rfree: 0.264  Nfree:442(5%)  Nrefl: 9087
> >
> > 1. The deposited 2chr (I422) was refined in that space group with the
> > original free set. No Sigma cutoff, 10 macrocycles.
> >  R: 0.1767        Rfree: 0.2403  Nfree:442(5%)  Nrefl: 9087
> >
> > 2. The deposited structure was refined in I422 10 times, 50 macrocycles
> > each, with randomly picked 10% free reflections
> >  R: 0.1725±0.0013  Rfree: 0.2507±0.0062  Nfree: 908.9±  Nrefl: 9087
> >
> > 3. The structure was expanded to an I4 dimer related by the unused I422
> > crystallographic operator, matching the dimer of 1chr. This dimer was
> > refined against the original (I4) data of 1chr, picking free reflections
> > in symmetry related pairs. This was repeated 10 times with different
> > random seed for picking reflections.
> > R: 0.1666±0.0012  **Rfree:0.2523±0.0077  Nfree: 1601.4  Nrefl:16011
> >
> > 4. same as 3 but picking free reflections randomly without regard for
> > lattice symmetry.
> > On average 15 free reflections were in pairs, 212 were invariant under
> > the operator (no sym-mate) and 1374 (86%) were paired with working
> > reflections.
> > R: 0.1674±0.0017  **Rfree:0.2523±0.0050  Nfree: 1600.9 Nrefl:16011
> >
> > (**-Average Rfree almost identical by coincidence- the individual
> > results were all different)
> >
> > Detailed results from the individual refinement runs are available in
> > spreadsheet in dropbox:
> >
> > Scripts used in running the tests are also there in NCSbias.tgz:
> >
> >
> > ========================================
> >
> > Methods:
> > I would like an experiment where relatively complete data is available
> > in the lower symmetry. To get something that is available to everyone, I
> > choose from the PDB. A good example is 2CHR, in space group I422, which
> > was originally solved and the data deposited in I4 with two molecules in
> > the asymmetric unit(structure 1CHR).
> >
> > 2CHR statistics from the PDB:
> >        R      R-free  complete  (Refined 8.0 to 3.0 A
> >        0.189  0.264  81.4      reported in PDB, with 2-Sig cutoff)
> >                                    Nfree=442  (4.86%)
> > Further refinement in phenix with same free set, no sigma cutoff:
> >  10 macrocycles bss, indiv XYZ, indiv ADP refinement; phenix default
> >  Resol 37.12 - 3.00 A 92.95% complete, Nrefl=9087 Nfree=442(4.86%)
> >  Start: r_work = 0.2097 r_free = 0.2503 bonds = 0.008 angles = 1.428
> >  Final: r_work = 0.1787 r_free = 0.2403 bonds = 0.011 angles = 1.284
> >    (2chr_orig_001.pdb,
> >
> > The number of free reflections is small, so the uncertainty
> > in Rfree is large (a good case for Rcomplete)
> > Instead for better statistics, use new 10% free set and repeat 10 times;
> > 50 macrocycles, with different random seeds:
> >  R: 0.1725±0.0013  Rfree: 0.2507±0.0062 bonds:0.010 Angles:1.192
> >    Nfree: 908.9±0.32  Nrefl: 9087
> >
> > For artificially low symmetry, expand the I422 structure (making what I
> > call 3chr for convenience although I'm sure that ID has been taken):
> >
> > pdbset xyzin 2CHR.pdb xyzout 3chr.pdb <<eof
> > exclude header
> > spacegroup I4
> > cell 111.890  111.890  148.490  90.00  90.00  90.00
> > symgen  X,Y,Z
> > symgen X,1-Y,1-Z
> > eof
> >
> > Get the structure factors from 1CHR: 1chr-sf.cif
> > Run phenix.refine on 3chr.pdb with 1chr-sf.cif.
> > This file has no free set (deposited 1993) so tell phenix to generate
> > one. I don't want phenix to protect me from my own stupidity, so I use:
> >          generate = True
> >          use_lattice_symmetry = False
> >          use_dataman_shells = False
> >    (the .eff file with all non-default parameters is available as
> > 3chr_rand_001.eff in the .tgz mentioned above)
> >
> > For more significance, use the script multirefine.csh to repeat the
> refinement 10 times with different random seed.After each run, grep
> significant results into a log file.
> >
> >
> > To check this gives free reflections related to working reflections, I
> > used mtz2various and a fortran prog (sortfree.f in .tgz) to separate the
> > data (3chr_rand_data.mtz) into two asymmetric units: h,k,l with h>k
> > (columns 4-5) and with h<k (col 6-7), listed the pairs, thusly:
> >
> > mtz2various hklin 3chr_rand_data.mtz hklout temp.hkl <<eof
> >    LABIN FP=F-obs DUM1=R-free-flags
> >    OUTPUT USER '(3I4,2F10.5)'
> > eof
> > sortfree <<eof >sort3.hkl
> >
> > sort3.hkl  looks like:
> >                  ______h>k______    ______h<k______
> >    h  k  l      F        free    F*        free*
> >    1  2  3    208.97      0.00    174.95      0.00
> >    1  2  5    226.85      0.00    191.65      0.00
> >    1  2  7    144.85      0.00    164.86      0.00
> >    1  2  9    251.26      0.00    261.71      0.00
> >    1  2  11    333.84      0.00    335.18      0.00
> >    1  2  13    800.37      0.00    791.77      0.00
> >    1  2  15    412.92      0.00    409.90      0.00
> >    1  2  17    306.99      0.00    317.53      0.00
> >    1  2  19    225.54      0.00    220.91      0.00
> >    1  2  21    101.20      1.00*  104.84      0.00
> >    1  2  23    156.27      0.00    156.49      0.00
> >    1  2  25    202.97      0.00    202.23      0.00
> >    1  2  27    216.10      0.00    219.28      0.00
> >    1  2  29    106.76      0.00    100.93      0.00
> >    1  2  31    157.32      0.00    154.37      1.00*
> >    1  2  33    71.84      0.00    20.78      0.00
> >    1  2  35    179.05      0.00    165.67      0.00
> >    1  2  37    254.04      0.00    239.96      1.00*
> >    1  2  39    69.56      0.00    30.61      0.00
> >    1  2  41    56.20      0.00    51.02      0.00
> >
> > , and awked for 1 in the free columns. Out of 6922 pairs of reflections,
> > in one case:
> > 674 in the first asu (h>k) are in the free set,
> > 703 in the second asu (h<k) are in the free set
> > only 11 pairs have the reflections in both asu free.
> >
> > out of 16011 refl in I4,
> > 6922 pairs (=13844 refl), 1049 invariant (h=k or h=0), 1118 with absent
> mate.
> >
> > out of 1601 free reflections:
> > On average 15 free reflections were in pairs, 212 were invariant under
> > the operator (no sym-mate) and 1374 (86%) were paired with working
> > reflections.
> >
> > Then do 10 more runs of 50 macrocycles with:
> >    use_lattice_symmetry = False
> >    collecting the same statistics
> > (also scripted in multirefine.csh)
> >
> > Finally, use ref2chr.eff to refine (as previously mentined) a monomer in
> I422 (2chr.pdb) 10 times with 10% free, 50 macrocycles
> > (also scripted in multirefine.csh)
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