On Friday, June 7, 2019 1:40:28 AM PDT Pedro Matias wrote:
> This is a known problem when accessing recent Linux releases remotely
> via ssh -X.
> The default X-server configuration has changed and openGL applications
> no longer work. Supposedly it should be possible to revert the server
> behaviour with a flag on startup but I haven't been able to do so.
> I found a nice piece of software called vglrun that works around this
> problem and restores the old behaviour of openGL applications like coot
> and PyMol, e.g. 'vglrun coot' or 'vglrun pymol'.

The problem there is that vglrun requires that you have a decent graphics
card on the server, which is used to generate the display image for
export to the client display machine.  My compute servers don't have any
graphics cards, so this doesn't work.  In the future I guess this problem
provides a reason to buy graphics even for a machine that is only a
"compute server", but that doesn't help with existing configurations.

        anyhow good to hear that vglrun works with coot


> HTH,
> Pedro
> Às 21:52 de 06/06/2019, Paul Emsley escreveu:
> > On 06/06/2019 21:35, Chen Zhao wrote:
> >>
> >> I have not been able to open COOT through SSH, in cases where COOT is
> >> version packaged with SBGrid mounted on a
> >> server running scientific linux.
> >
> > possibly relevant:
> >
> > https://mail.ncmir.ucsd.edu/pipermail/3dem/2019-February/006519.html
> >
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Ethan A Merritt
Biomolecular Structure Center,  K-428 Health Sciences Bldg
MS 357742,   University of Washington, Seattle 98195-7742


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