In the 2019 book Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen: The Birth of Radiology by Gerd 
Rosenbusch and Annemarie de Knecht-van Eekelen, there is a table of all the 
doctoral and/or habilitation students supervised by Röntgen.

In this table, Walter Friedrich's dissertation is dated 24 July 1911 and 
carries the German title "Räumliche Intensitätsverteilung der X-Strahlen, die 
von einer Platina Antikathode ausgehen."  My own translation would be "Spatial 
distribution of the intensity of x-rays emanating from a platinum target."

The table also mentions that the chief results of the dissertation were 
published in the following article in 1912:   Ann. Physik, volume 344, pages 

Hope this helps.


Matthew J. Whitley, Ph.D.
Research Instructor
Department of Pharmacology & Chemical Biology
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine

From: CCP4 bulletin board <CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK> on behalf of CCP4BB automatic 
digest system <>
Sent: Monday, June 10, 2019 7:00 PM
Subject: CCP4BB Digest - 9 Jun 2019 to 10 Jun 2019 (#2019-165)

Date:    Mon, 10 Jun 2019 11:07:12 +0100
From:    Harry Powell <>
Subject: W. Friedrich's thesis title

Hi folks

I've been trying to track down the title of Friedrich's (of Friedrich and 
Knipping fame) 1911 thesis at Ludwig-Maximilians Universität, München - all I 
can find is a translation into English. I don't want my personal (or google 
translate or similar) back in to German, so I was wondering if anyone out there 
actually knows what it was?

I've had a search on the LMU library website, but can't find the thesis indexed 

The English translation is "Emission by a platinum target".

Dr Harry Powell


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