Dear colleagues,

We cordially invite you to attend the IST Austria cryo-EM inauguration symposium, which will take place on October 18, 2019. Please join us for some exciting talks and posters. Registration is free and we have a lineup of great speakers: Jan Pieter Abrahams, Peter Brzezinski, Gaia Pigino, Jürgen Plitzko, Henning Stahlberg, Sharon Wolf, and Peijun Zhang.

More details about the symposium can be found at:

With two new transmission electron microscopes (Thermo Scientific Glacios and Titan Krios), a Thermo Scientific Aquilos cryo-focused ion beam/scanning electron microscope, and a dedicated cryo-correlative Leica CLEM setup, IST has established Austria’s largest cryo-EM center. The aim of this symposium is to celebrate the opening of our expanded facility and to highlight some of the exciting research involving cryo-electron microscopy.

We plan to host a poster session in the afternoon, and encourage everyone interested to participate. Abstract submission will be done through the registration page. We will also offer a tour of the EM facility in the afternoon. We hope many of you can join us!

Best wishes on behalf of the organizing team,
Carrie Bernecky
Florian Schur
Leonid Sazanov

Carrie Bernecky
Institute of Science and Technology Austria
Am Campus 1
3400 Klosterneuburg


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