Dear Evgenii,

Does your input mtz file contain I(+)/I(-) and SIGI(+)/SIGI(-) columns? Dimple 
runs shelxc to obtain the input reflection file for anode, which requires 
anomalous intensities as input.

I.e. it essentially runs the following commands:

$ mtz2sca AUTOMATIC_DEFAULT_free.mtz

$ shelxc anode << EOF
CELL 57.9066 57.9066 150.3051 90.0 90.0 90.0
SPAG P 41 21 2

$ cp dimple/final.pdb anode.pdb

$ anode anode

At Diamond we run dimple --anode on the free.mtz file generated by xia2, which 
contains the following columns:

    label    #valid  %valid     min     max type
    F         32162  99.75%    0.01 3130.76 F: amplitude
    SIGF      32162  99.75%    0.01  102.51 Q: standard deviation
    DANO      31745  98.46% -271.19  227.37 D: anomalous difference
    SIGDANO   31745  98.46%    0.00  124.40 Q: standard deviation
    F(+)      31777  98.55%    0.01 3130.76 G: F(+) or F(-)
    SIGF(+)   31777  98.55%    0.01  102.51 L: standard deviation
    F(-)      27431  85.08%    0.02 2758.00 G: F(+) or F(-)
    SIGF(-)   27431  85.08%    0.01   91.95 L: standard deviation
    ISYM      32243 100.00%   -1.00    2.00 Y: M/ISYM, packed partial/reject 
flag and symmetry number
    IMEAN     32162  99.75%   -0.31  780.55 J: intensity
    SIGIMEAN  32162  99.75%    0.00   24.65 Q: standard deviation
    I(+)      31777  98.55%   -0.48  780.55 K: I(+) or I(-)
    SIGI(+)   31777  98.55%    0.00   24.65 M: standard deviation
    I(-)      27431  85.08%   -0.44  609.14 K: I(+) or I(-)
    SIGI(-)   27431  85.08%    0.00   16.78 M: standard deviation


$ dimple AUTOMATIC_DEFAULT_free.mtz 1RQW dimple --anode -fpng



Dr Richard Gildea
Data Analysis Scientist
Tel: +441235 77 8078

Diamond Light Source Ltd.
Diamond House
Harwell Science & Innovation Campus
OX11 0DE
From: CCP4 bulletin board <CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK> on behalf of Eugene Osipov 
Sent: 03 December 2019 10:22
Subject: [ccp4bb] Dimple anomalous peaks

Dear CCP4 community,
I can't figure out how to tell Dimple to use F(+)/F(-) columns and search for 
anomalous peaks.
I was trying to run dimple in the next form:
dimple -R free.mtz --anode --fcolumn F output.mtz test.pdb dimple_dir
In the output mtz  I get only 2Fo-Fc and Fo-Fc maps. When I try to use 
--fcolumn F(+) I gen an error.
My mtz file contains both averaged F/SIGF, anomalous pairs F(+)/F(-) and their 
differences in DANO.
Can someone tell how to calculate anomalous difference maps from dimple run?
Thanks in advance,
Evgenii Osipov
Laboratory for Biocrystallography,
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
KU Leuven O&N2


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