Please see description below.

Technician in Biochemistry.
Context. A funded full-time Ingenieur d’Etudes position (A*MIDEX) is available 
in the new team of Elsa Garcin (Professor at AMU starting in January 2020, 
Chaire d’Excellence A*MIDEX; Adjunct Associate Professor at UMBC: in the Laboratoire 
d’Information Génomique et Structurale (IGS), a CNRS/AMU laboratory located on 
the Luminy Campus of Aix-Marseille University. The IGS is a dynamic lab led by 
Chantal Abergel and a world-renowned expert in giant virus research 
( Giant virus discovery was 
revolutionary for the field of virology, as they revived old debates about the 
concept of virus, their position in the tree of life, their biology, and the 
role they may have played in the emergence of life on earth. Characterizing new 
metabolic pathways in these viruses may therefore provide new clues about 
chemical and biological processes at the origin of life. The primary goal of 
the candidate will be to participate in the A*MIDEX Chaire d’Excellence Project 
“Structural Biochemistry of Novel Metabolic Pathways in Giant Viruses” led by 
Elsa Garcin.

Tasks. The principal activity of the successful candidate will be to conceive 
and perform experiments under the guidance and supervision of the project 
leader and in close collaboration with other team members. Learning new 
techniques specific to this project will be required. All results will be 
reported in lab notebooks, discussed with the project leader, and presented at 
lab meetings. English or French required.

Experience and skills. We are looking for an enthusiastic, organized, and 
motivated candidate. The successful candidate will have expertise in molecular 
biology, bacterial and/or eukaryotic protein expression, and protein 
purification. Mastering of basic lab techniques in molecular biology (PCR, 
cloning, site-directed mutagenesis) and biochemistry (protein production, 
purification, SDS-PAGE, Western blot) is required. Cell biology experience is a 
plus, but not required. 

Constraints, risks. The successful candidate will work on projects depending 
heavily on cell biology and structural biology. The candidate will produce and 
purify proteins and complexes for structural studies by crystallography, 
small-angle x-ray scattering, electron microscopy, and NMR.  Accordingly, the 
candidate will perform experiments with the non-pathogenic bacteria Escherichia 
coli. In addition, the candidate will perform experiments with the giant virus 
host, Acanthamoeba castellanii, and associated virus (Mimivirus, Megavirus, …). 
Work with these organisms will require strict adherence to safety protocols 
already in place at the IGS.

How to apply: Interested applicants should send their application by email to 
Elsa Garcin (, including a cover letter describing their 
motivation for joining the team, and curriculum vitae. They should also arrange 
for two letters of recommendation to be sent directly by email to Elsa Garcin 
( Review of application materials will begin January 
1st 2020. 
Aix-Marseille University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. 
Women and minority candidates are encouraged to apply.

Start date: March 1st, 2020
Contract type: CDD Technique/Administratif
Duration: 12 months (renewable depending on results for a maximum of 33 months 
Salary: salary will be calculated based on the successful candidate’s experience
Location: IGS, UMR7256 AMU/CNRS, Parc scientifique de Luminy, 163 avenue de 
Luminy, 13288 Marseille, France
Minimum level required: Bac+5 (Master 2 level)


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