We managed to remove the detector and consequently all the instrument noise 
using the same procedure. Remarkable effect - absolutely noiseless images.

We call it the Adjusted Pixel Readout Index Linked effect.

There must be an Ig prize in this.

(shameless but serious plug - our Crystallization Center is operational and 
prioritizing Covid-19 projects - http://getacrystal.org)

From: CCP4 bulletin board <CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK> on behalf of Frank von Delft 
Sent: Wednesday, April 1, 2020 1:18 AM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Paired refinement proves data quality goes beyond the 
spatial limits of the detector

That is awesome.  It means we can add data up to a kilometer out, and
start modelling quarks?

I urge the community to deposit all raw data to a virtual detector of
1km in size - I'm sure Google will happily stump up for the storage
costs, the business case is unarguable.

On 01/04/2020 05:36, Petr Kolenko wrote:
> Dear colleagues,
> We, the developers of a program for paired refinement, have found a 
> remarkable feature that should be shared with the community. The fact that 
> data beyond the arbitrary cutoff may cause an improvement of electron density 
> and make your models better is generally accepted. We found now that the data 
> beyond the dimensions of the detector are still useful, should be used in 
> refinement, deposited in your structure factor file and if possible, made 
> publicly available in data repositories as well! This leads us to a general 
> recommendation, please deposit your raw data including regions beyond the 
> detector edge or better the corner.  Share the maximum available and be FAIR.
> Stay safe, best regards,
> Petr
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