The first thing you want to do when debugging hydrogens in refmac5 is to make sure it outputs whatever it was doing:

This is not the default.  Normally, refmac will take a PDB file without any hydrogens in it, quietly add them before doing refinement, and then delete them before outputting the final coordinates.  Why so secretive?  Probably because someone complained about having to look at all that fuzzy hydrogen nonsense in the graphics.  In fact, I know some crystallographers who refuse to believe that the element hydrogen even exists. Never seen it. Including them in refinement has even been called "too many parameters". Nowadays, of course, we know having hydrogens involved in the geometry is a good thing.  This is especially true at poor resolution.

The other important hydrogen keyword to know is:

This is the default.  "A" means add all hydrogens, regardless of what is in the input pdb file.  Normally, these get deleted before output, so you don't notice it.  The other choices are: MAKE HYDR N: which is basically "do not do the hydrogen thing".  Any hydrogens in the input file will be ignored, and they will also not be in the output file (even if you use MAKE HOUT Y), because they were never there. MAKE HYDR Y : this is the one that will use the hydrogens listed in the pdb file.  Here there lies a danger!  Not every program names hydrogens the same way, so some might be quietly ignored.  The only way to know if they were is to use MAKE HOUT Y.

So, if you want to define and use your own hydrogens through many rounds of refmac, you want to use:

But, if your starting PDB has no hydrogens in it you want your first round to have:

If you inspect the occupancies of the output hydrogens you may find that some are zero, and every once ina while one is somewhere between 1 and 0.  I have not seen documentation for this, but it appears that refmac might be quietly doing some sort of occupancy refinement on hydrogens that may or may not be there.  Titratable ones for example.  The philisophy explained to me once by Garib is that since it is twice as bad to put in an electron that isn't there vs leaving out one that is you want to err on the side of dropping hydrogens that don't seem to fit.


-James Holton
MAD Scientist

On 5/20/2020 7:07 PM, Bernhard Rupp wrote:

Hi Fellows,

for an experiment, I am running 0.9 A data with unrestrained Refmac (yes I know should/could use SHELXL, but let’s drop that for now).

When I select ‘ignore even if present in file’ in a PDB that has hydrogens, I get the identical results than with ’use if present’ or ‘generate all’.

The log informs me that the instructions were properly issued, the output PDB does not have Hs, but Rs and map are exactly the same

as with selection of if present or generate all H. Does not seem to make sense.

If I cull the hydrogens from the input PDB and ‘use if present’ or ‘ignore’, the stats and map are different and no H in output as requested -  all as expected.

Maybe that can be reproduced and, if it is not a feature, fixed.

Best, BR


Bernhard Rupp <>

+1 925 209 7429

+43 676 571 0536


Real knowledge is to know

the extent of one's ignorance



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