Dear all,

Thank you for the response. I will try to explain it more precisely.

The molecule of interest is a duplex with 9 nt length, but is paired on the length of eight bases, with overhangs at ends. Molecules form a parallel strings across the crystal lattice, parallel to C-axis, because of these stacked overhangs. The structure was solved by MR using Molrep. Trials using Phaser were failed. The initial model was obtained by ZN-SAD. Refinement was dome for space group P43212, with cell parameters 31.96 31.96 95.07 90 90 90, with one duplex molecule per AU.

Schreuder, Herman /DE wrote:

At this resolution, one sees many amino-acid side chains with alternative conformation, so it might be a good idea to test if this is also true for nucleotides.

Dear Herman,
I'm working on some protein ultra-high resolution structures (around 1.0 A or higher), and alternative conformations are nicely visible on electron density maps. In this case, there is visible almost all molecule, when you switch contouring to 2 sigma or lower on Fo-Fc maps, so I think, in this case it's not the same situation.

Matthew Snee wrote:
Maybe test the spacegroup with Zanuda, and reprocess with the most likely lower symmetry group. I guess the stats should improve if you identify a pseudo symmetry operator that is currently being treated as a true symmetry operator?

Eleanor Dodson wrote:
Sometimes ghost like this mean there is a spacegroup error - absences can be the result of the non-crystallographic translation and not be truly indicitive of the spacegroup. What is the possible spacegroup and what is the NC translation vector?

Dear Matthew and Eleanor,

I run Zanuda on my datasets, and the output (which is below) suggested, that spacegroup is right chosen.

   Step 1.
   R-factors for the starting model.
   Transformation into a supergroup.
   | Subgroup | Spacegroup | R.m.s.d. |   Refinement in tested group   |
   |          |            | from the |--------------------------------|
   |   Ref    |            | starting |  Rigid   |     Restrained      |
   |          |            | model, A |----------|---------------------|
   |          |            |          |    R     |    R     |  R-free  |
   | >>  10   | P 43 21 2  |  0.0002  |    --    |  0.5107  |  0.4871  |
   |     10   | P 43 21 2  |  0.0002  |    --    |    --    |    --    |

   Step 2.
   Refinements in subgroups.
   There are 8 subgroups to test.
   | >>  10   | P 43 21 2  |  0.0002  |    --    |  0.5107  |  0.4871  |
   |      1   | P 1        |  0.0883  |  0.5252  |  0.4985  |  0.4883  |
   |      2   | C 1 2 1    |  0.0828  |  0.5447  |  0.5006  |  0.4877  |
   |      3   | P 1 21 1   |  0.0824  |  0.5367  |  0.5018  |  0.4921  |
   |      4   | P 1 21 1   |  0.0789  |  0.5292  |  0.4971  |  0.4846  |
   |      6   | P 21 21 21 |  0.0956  |  0.5380  |  0.5064  |  0.4929  |
   |      7   | P 43       |  0.0935  |  0.5183  |  0.4952  |  0.4835  |
   |      9   | C 2 2 21   |  0.0908  |  0.5435  |  0.5042  |  0.4910  |
   |     10   | P 43 21 2  |  0.0855  |  0.5427  |  0.5097  |  0.4913  |
   | <<   7   | P 43       |  0.0935  |  0.5183  |  0.4952  |  0.4835  |

   Step 3.
   Refinement of the best model.
   Candidate symmetry elements are added one by one.
   | >>   7   | P 43       |  0.0935  |  0.5183  |  0.4952  |  0.4835  |
   |      1   | P 1        |  0.0927  |  0.5293  |  0.4991  |  0.4950  |
   |      8   | C 1 2 1    |  0.0848  |    --    |  0.5017  |  0.4906  |
   |      9   | C 2 2 21   |  0.0871  |    --    |  0.5059  |  0.4928  |
   |     10   | P 43 21 2  |  0.0919  |    --    |  0.5180  |  0.5109  |
   | <<  10   | P 43 21 2  |  0.0919  |    --    |  0.5180  |  0.5109  |

   R-factor in the original subgroup is (almost) the best.
   The original spacegroup assignment seems to be correct.

According the non-crystallography translation vector, there is an output from xtriage:

  | XYZ                  | height   | p-value(height) |
  |  0.000, 0.000, 0.334 |   53.049 | 4.456e-05       |
  |  0.000, 0.000, 0.167 |   28.966 | 1.681e-03       |
  |  0.000, 0.000, 0.500 |   27.692 | 2.102e-03       |

Jon Cooper wrote:
Hello, have you tried anisotropic B-factor refinement? It is usually very good at cleaning-up the difference map. At that sort of resolution, you may still have some way to go in the refinement since the R and R-free usually go to about half of what you have, at least with proteins.

Dear Jon. Yes, I used anisotropic refinement as usually for this sort of resolution (1.4 A or better). But it looks too high for this small object and very high resolution, in my opinion.

Best regards,



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