The TU Berlin has on opening for a 

Rese­arch Assist­ant (Post­Doc) - salary grade E14 TV-L Ber­liner Hoch­schu­len 
- junior rese­arch group lea­der 
(part-time employ­ment may be pos­sible)

Work­ing field:
Set­ting up and head­ing of a “The­or­et­ical Struc­tural Bio­logy” junior 
rese­arch group, devel­op­ment of a rese­arch and pub­lic­a­tion con­cept in 
the area of mod­ern the­or­et­ical meth­ods in struc­tural bio­logy and their 
app­lic­a­tions in com­plex bio­lo­gical sys­tems, teach­ing four course hours 
per week in the “Bio­tech­no­logy” and “Bio­lo­gical Chem­istry” mas­ter’s 

Suc­cess­fully com­ple­ted uni­ver­sity degree (Mas­ter, Dip­lom or 
equi­val­ent) and a doc­tor­ate in nat­ural sci­ences or a com­par­able 
dis­cip­line; rel­ev­ant rese­arch work; innov­at­ive pro­ject pro­pos­als to 
sup­ple­ment the Clus­ter of Excel­lence’s rese­arch pro­gram in the sta­ted 
area of rese­arch; will­ing­ness to con­duct work on an inter­dis­cip­lin­ary 
basis; abil­ity to work as part of a team; exper­i­ence of teach­ing as well as 
of head­ing rese­arch groups and super­vising/guid­ing stu­dents; social 
com­pet­ences and an apti­tude for staff lead­er­ship; very good Eng­lish 

For fur­ther details regard­ing this pos­i­tion, please con­tact

How to ap­ply:
Please send your writ­ten app­lic­a­tion with the ref­er­ence num­ber and the 
usual doc­u­ments (a let­ter of app­lic­a­tion, CV includ­ing a list of 
pub­lic­a­tions, a four-page rese­arch con­cept, two-three key pub­lic­a­tions, 
cop­ies of cer­ti­fic­ates, con­tact details for ref­er­ences and a copy of 
your doc­tor­als the­sis (if avail­able)) only by e-mail to Elisa­beth Simon 

By sub­mit­ting your app­lic­a­tion via email you con­sent to hav­ing your data 
elec­tron­ic­ally pro­ces­sed and saved. Please note that we do not pro­vide a 
guar­anty for the pro­tec­tion of your per­sonal data when sub­mit­ted as 
unpro­tec­ted file. Please find our data pro­tec­tion notice acc. DSGVO 
(Gen­eral Data Pro­tec­tion Reg­u­la­tion) at the TU staff depart­ment 
home­page: or 
quick access 214041.

To ensure equal oppor­tun­it­ies bet­ween women and men, app­lic­a­tions by 
women with the requi­red qual­i­fic­a­tions are expli­citly desi­red. 
Qual­i­fied indi­vidu­als with dis­ab­il­it­ies will be favo­red. The TU 
Ber­lin val­ues the diver­sity of its mem­bers and is com­mit­ted to the goals 
of equal oppor­tun­it­ies.

Tech­nis­che Uni­ver­si­tät Ber­lin - Der Prä­sid­ent - Fak­ultät II, 
Exzel­len­zclus­ter UniSy­sCat, Elisa­beth Simon, Sekr. BEL4, Straße des 17. 
Juni 135, 10623 Ber­lin

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