To whom it may concern,

To explore the UK and International community appetite for a next generation 
XFEL we are conducting this survey to gather information and sample support for 
the UK XFEL project (which seeks to deliver such next generation capability).

X-ray free electron lasers (XFELS) have emerged as important and wide-ranging 
tools for advanced science over the last decade. Their impact has been 
extensive (from catalysis and energy research to structural biology and 
laboratory astrophysics) and has opened-up a new era in research in structural 
dynamics. In the UK and around the world significant numbers of scientists have 
begun to engage with these opportunities, and many more are hoping to do so as 
the capabilities are developed, and as capacity grows so that it becomes easier 
to secure access.
The UK XFEL Science Case
examines the transformative scientific opportunities that will be created with 
a Next Generation XFEL i.e. one that can deliver near transform limited pulses, 
high reproducibility, and synchronised to a wide range of external beams (e.g. 
lasers, THz and electrons) all delivered at a high repetition rate with a pulse 
structure matching state-of-the-art sample delivery and detector technologies. 
We strongly endorse this scientific vision, and fully support the next stage in 
the efforts to ensure that there is an overall capacity increase and that these 
new capabilities can be made available over the next decade for advancing 
science and technology.

The survey link is:”


AMO, et al
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Allen M. Orville, Ph.D.
Wellcome Investigator and Royal Society Wolfson Fellow
Principal Scientist, XFEL Hub at Diamond Light Source
Harwell Science and Innovation Campus
Didcot, Oxfordshire
OX11 0DE
United Kingdom

Phone: +44 (0) 1235 567505
Mobile: +44 (0) 7471 026061
Skype: allen.orville
ORCID: 0000-0002-7803-1777
AMO site:
XFEL-Hub site:

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