Maybe you have a bimolecular dimer when you expected a unimolecular
hairpin?  It’s happened before :)


On Tue, Jun 8, 2021 at 10:15 AM Almudena Ponce Salvatierra <> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I am working with an RNA-only structure, data are at 3 Angstroms, and at
> first, I thought was in the C2 space group (with 6 molecules in the AU).
> I can't finish building! it, because the structure seems to get in the way
> of its neighbor symmetrically! See the attached picture, please! The only 4
> residues that the structure is missing "have to go there", where one
> structure meets the other one. The R factors for this spacegroup are around
> 0.3.
> However, Phenix Xtriage suggests the symmetry may be higher. So I reindex
> in P622, do MR with Phaser (trying all possible space groups in that point
> group), and it finds a unique solution in space group P 65 2 2 with TFZ of
> 50 and LLG >3000. Of course, the problem persists (one molecule sort of
> interfering with the neighbor), not only that but also the refinement
> R-factors are substantially higher, 0.37.
> I have to say that the refinement maps look better when I am working with
> the C2 spacegroup. I can't understand, though, what is happening at that
> "supposedly interface" between the two molecules. Has anybody experienced
> anything like this in the past? Can it be a twin? Is it something else?
> and... how to fix it?
> Thank you very much in advance.
> Best wishes,
> Almudena
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