Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the Virtual CCP4 Protein Crystallography Summer 
School 2021 to be hosted by the John Innes Centre (Norwich, UK).

The school will take place from Monday 6 September – Friday 10 September 
inclusive and is intended for students and researchers new to crystallography. 
Its dual aims are to provide comprehensive training in crystallography and to 
promote best practice. The lectures cover the range of techniques required for 
protein structure solution, from protein expression through to structure 
validation. Intensively supervised computer tutorials enable students to relate 
the theory presented in the lectures to practice.

The application deadline is Thursday 5 August 2021
(don’t leave it to the last minute – your application needs to be supported by 
your supervisor or line manager)

For further information and to apply please follow this link:

Best wishes,

Dave, Clare, Julia, Naomi and Sarah (organisers)


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