Hi All,

haven't been following CCP4BB for a while, then I come back to this juicy
Holtonian thread!

Sorry for being more practical, but could you use a windowed approach:
integrate values of the same pixel/relp combo (roxel?) over time (however
that works with frame slicing) to estimate the error over many frames, then
shrink the window incrementally, see whether the  successive
plotted shrinking-window values show a trend? Most likely flat for
background? This could be used for the spots as well as background. Would
this lose the precious temporal info?


On Fri, Oct 22, 2021 at 3:25 AM Gergely Katona <gergely.kat...@gu.se> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have more estimates to the same problem using a multinomial data
> distribution. I should have realized that for prediction, I do not have to
> deal with infinite likelihood of 0 trials when observing only 0s on an
> image. Whenever 0 photons generated by the latent process, the image is
> automatically empty. With this simplification, I still have to hide behind
> mathematical convenience and use Gamma prior for the latent Poisson
> process, but observing 0 counts just increments the beta parameter by 1
> compared to the prior belief. With equal photon capture probabilities, the
> mean counts are about 0.01 and the std is about 0.1 with
> rate≈Gamma(alpha=1, beta=0.1) prior . With a symmetric Dirichlet prior to
> the capture probabilities, the means appear unchanged, but the predicted
> stds starts high at very low concentration parameter and level off at high
> concentration parameter. This becomes more apparent at high photon counts
> (high alpha of Gamma distribution). The answer is different if we look at
> the std across the detector plane or across time of a single pixel.
> Details of the calculation below:
> https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1NK43_3r1rH5lBTDS2rzIFDFNWqFfekrZ?usp=sharing
> Best wishes,
> Gergely
> Gergely Katona, Professor, Chairman of the Chemistry Program Council
> Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Gothenburg
> Box 462, 40530 Göteborg, Sweden
> Tel: +46-31-786-3959 / M: +46-70-912-3309 / Fax: +46-31-786-3910
> Web: http://katonalab.eu, Email: gergely.kat...@gu.se
> *From:* CCP4 bulletin board <CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK> *On Behalf Of *Nave,
> Colin (DLSLtd,RAL,LSCI)
> *Sent:* 21 October, 2021 19:21
> *Subject:* Re: [ccp4bb] am I doing this right?
> Congratulations to James for starting this interesting discussion.
> For those who are like me, nowhere near a black belt in statistics, the
> thread has included a number of distributions.  I have had to look up where
> these apply and investigate their properties.
> As an example,
> “The Poisson distribution is used to model the # of events in the future,
> Exponential distribution is used to predict the wait time until the very
> first event, and Gamma distribution is used to predict the wait time until
> the k-th event.”
> A useful calculator for distributions can be found at
> https://keisan.casio.com/menu/system/000000000540
> a specific example is at
> https://keisan.casio.com/exec/system/1180573179
> where cumulative probabilities for a Poisson distribution can be found
> given values for x and lambda.
> The most appropriate prior is another issue which has come up e.g. is a
> flat prior appropriate? I can see that a different prior would be
> appropriate for different areas of the detector (e.g. 1 pixel instead of
> 100 pixels) but the most appropriate prior seems a bit arbitrary to me. One
> of James’ examples was 10^5 background photons distributed among  10^6
> pixels – what is the most appropriate prior for this case? I presume it is
> OK to update the prior after each observation but I understand that it can
> create difficulties if not done properly.
> Being able to select the prior is sometimes seen as a strength of Bayesian
> methods. However, as a strong advocate of Bayesian methods once put it,
> this is a bit like Achilles boasting about his heel!
> I hope for some agreement among the black belts. It would be good to end
> up with some clarity about the most appropriate probability distributions
> and priors. Also, have we got clarity about the question being asked?
> Thanks to all for the interesting points.
> Colin
> *From:* CCP4 bulletin board <CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK> *On Behalf Of *Randy
> John Read
> *Sent:* 21 October 2021 13:23
> *Subject:* Re: [ccp4bb] am I doing this right?
> Hi Kay,
> No, I still think the answer should come out the same if you have good
> reason to believe that all the 100 pixels are equally likely to receive a
> photon (for instance because your knowledge of the geometry of the source
> and the detector says the difference in their positions is insignificant,
> i.e. part of your prior expectation). Unless the exact position of the spot
> where you detect the photon is relevant, detecting 1 photon on a big pixel
> and detecting the same photon on 1 of 100 smaller pixels covering the same
> area are equivalent events. What should be different in the analysis, if
> you're thinking about individual pixels, is that the expected value for a
> photon landing on any of the pixels will be 100 times lower for each of the
> smaller pixels than the single big pixel, so that the expected value of
> their sum is the same. You won't get to that conclusion without having a
> different prior probability for the two cases that reflects the 100-fold
> lower flux through the smaller area, regardless of the total power of the
> source.
> Best wishes,
> Randy
> On 21 Oct 2021, at 13:03, Kay Diederichs <kay.diederi...@uni-konstanz.de>
> wrote:
> Randy,
> I must admit that I am not certain about my answer, but I lean toward
> thinking that the result (of the two thought experiments that you describe)
> is not the same. I do agree that it makes sense that the expectation value
> is the same, and the math that I sketched in
> https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/wa-jisc.exe?A2=CCP4BB;bdd31b04.2110
> actually shows this. But the variance? To me, a 100-pixel patch with all
> zeroes is no different from sequentially observing 100 pixels, one after
> the other. For the first of these pixels, I have no idea what the count is,
> until I observe it. For the second, I am less surprised that it is 0
> because I observed 0 for the first. And so on, until the 100th. For the
> last one, my belief that I will observe a zero before I read out the pixel
> is much higher than for the first pixel. The variance is just the inverse
> of the amount of error (squared) that we assign to our belief in the
> expectation value. And that amount of belief is very different. I find it
> satisfactory that the sigma goes down with the sqrt() of the number of
> pixels.
> Also, I don't find an error in the math of my posting of Mon, 18 Oct 2021
> 15:00:42 +0100 . I do think that a uniform prior is not realistic, but this
> does not seem to make much difference for the 100-pixel thought experiment.
> We could change the thought experiment in the following way - you observe
> 99 pixels with zero counts, and 1 with 1 count. Would you still say that
> both the big-pixel-single-observation and the 100-pixel experiment should
> give expectation value of 2 and variance of 2? I wouldn't.
> Best wishes,
> Kay
> On Thu, 21 Oct 2021 09:00:23 +0000, Randy John Read <rj...@cam.ac.uk>
> wrote:
> Just to be a bit clearer, I mean that the calculation of the expected
> value and its variance should give the same answer if you're comparing one
> pixel for a particular length of exposure with the sum obtained from either
> a larger number of smaller pixels covering the same area for the same
> length of exposure, or the sum from the same pixel measured for smaller
> time slices adding up to the same total exposure.
> On 21 Oct 2021, at 09:54, Randy John Read <rj...@cam.ac.uk<
> mailto:rj...@cam.ac.uk <rj...@cam.ac.uk>>> wrote:
> I would think that if this problem is being approached correctly, with the
> right prior, it shouldn't matter whether you collect the same signal
> distributed over 100 smaller pixels or the same pixel measured for the same
> length of exposure but with 100 time slices; you should get the same
> answer. So I would want to formulate the problem in a way where this
> invariance is satisfied. I thought it was, from some of the earlier
> descriptions of the problem, but this sounds worrying.
> I think you're trying to say the same thing here, Kay. Is that right?
> Best wishes,
> Randy
> On 21 Oct 2021, at 08:51, Kay Diederichs <kay.diederi...@uni-konstanz.de<
> mailto:kay.diederi...@uni-konstanz.de <kay.diederi...@uni-konstanz.de>>>
> wrote:
> Hi Ian,
> it is Iobs=0.01 and sigIobs=0.01 for one pixel, but adding 100 pixels each
> with variance=sigIobs^2=0.0001 gives  0.01 , yielding a 100-pixel-sigIobs
> of 0.1 - different from the 1 you get. As if repeatedly observing the same
> count of 0 lowers the estimated error by sqrt(n), where n is the number of
> observations (100 in this case).
> best wishes,
> Kay
> On Wed, 20 Oct 2021 13:08:33 +0100, Ian Tickle <ianj...@gmail.com<
> mailto:ianj...@gmail.com <ianj...@gmail.com>>> wrote:
> Hi Kay
> Can I just confirm that your result Iobs=0.01 sigIobs=0.01 is the estimate
> of the true average intensity *per pixel* for a patch of 100 pixels?  So
> then the total count for all 100 pixels is 1 with variance also 1, or in
> general for k observed counts in the patch, expectation = variance = k+1
> for the total count, irrespective of the number of pixels?  If so then that
> agrees with my own conclusion.  It makes sense because Iobs=0.01
> sigIobs=0.01 cannot come from a Poisson process (which obviously requires
> expectation = variance = an integer), whereas the total count does come
> from a Poisson process.
> The difference from my approach is that you seem to have come at it via the
> individual pixel counts whereas I came straight from the Agostini result
> applied to the whole patch.  The number of pixels seems to me to be
> irrelevant for the whole patch since the design of the detector, assuming
> it's an ideal detector with DQE = 1 surely cannot change the photon flux
> coming from the source: all ideal detectors whatever their pixel layout
> must give the same result.  The number of pixels is then only relevant if
> one needs to know the average intensity per pixel, i.e. the total and s.d.
> divided by the number of pixels.  Note the pixels here need not even
> correspond to the hardware pixels, they can be any arbitrary subdivision of
> the detector surface.
> Best wishes
> -- Ian
> On Tue, 19 Oct 2021 at 12:39, Kay Diederichs <
> kay.diederi...@uni-konstanz.de<mailto:kay.diederi...@uni-konstanz.de
> <kay.diederi...@uni-konstanz.de>>>
> wrote:
> James,
> I am saying that my answer to "what is the expectation and variance if I
> observe a 10x10 patch of pixels with zero
> counts?" is Iobs=0.01 sigIobs=0.01 (and Iobs=sigIobs=1 if there is only
> one pixel) IF the uniform prior applies. I agree with Gergely and others
> that this prior (with its high expectation value and variance) appears
> unrealistic.
> In your posting of Sat, 16 Oct 2021 12:00:30 -0700 you make a calculation
> of Ppix that appears like a more suitable expectation value of a prior to
> me. A suitable prior might then be 1/Ppix * e^(-l/Ppix) (Agostini §7.7.1).
> The Bayesian argument is IIUC that the prior plays a minor role if you do
> repeated measurements of the same value, because you use the posterior of
> the first measurement as the prior for the second, and so on. What this
> means is that your Ppix must play the role of a scale factor if you
> consider the 100-pixel experiment.
> However, for the 1-pixel experiment, having a more suitable prior should
> be more important.
> best,
> Kay
> On Mon, 18 Oct 2021 12:40:45 -0700, James Holton <jmhol...@lbl.gov<
> mailto:jmhol...@lbl.gov <jmhol...@lbl.gov>>> wrote:
> Thank you very much for this Kay!
> So, to summarize, you are saying the answer to my question "what is the
> expectation and variance if I observe a 10x10 patch of pixels with zero
> counts?" is:
> Iobs = 0.01
> sigIobs = 0.01     (defining sigIobs = sqrt(variance(Iobs)))
> And for the one-pixel case:
> Iobs = 1
> sigIobs = 1
> but in both cases the distribution is NOT Gaussian, but rather
> exponential. And that means adding variances may not be the way to
> propagate error.
> Is that right?
> -James Holton
> MAD Scientist
> On 10/18/2021 7:00 AM, Kay Diederichs wrote:
> Hi James,
> I'm a bit behind ...
> My answer about the basic question ("a patch of 100 pixels each with
> zero counts - what is the variance?") you ask is the following:
> 1) we all know the Poisson PDF (Probability Distribution Function)
> P(k|l) = l^k*e^(-l)/k!  (where k stands for for an integer >=0 and l is
> lambda) which tells us the probability of observing k counts if we know l.
> The PDF is normalized: SUM_over_k (P(k|l)) is 1 when k=0...infinity is 1.
> 2) you don't know before the experiment what l is, and you assume it is
> some number x with 0<=x<=xmax (the xmax limit can be calculated by looking
> at the physics of the experiment; it is finite and less than the overload
> value of the pixel, otherwise you should do a different experiment). Since
> you don't know that number, all the x values are equally likely - you use a
> uniform prior.
> 3) what is the PDF P(l|k) of l if we observe k counts?  That can be
> found with Bayes theorem, and it turns out that (due to the uniform prior)
> the right hand side of the formula looks the same as in 1) : P(l|k) =
> l^k*e^(-l)/k! (again, the ! stands for the factorial, it is not a semantic
> exclamation mark). This is eqs. 7.42 and 7.43 in Agostini "Bayesian
> Reasoning in Data Analysis".
> 3a) side note: if we calculate the expectation value for l, by
> multiplying with l and integrating over l from 0 to infinity, we obtain
> E(P(l|k))=k+1, and similarly for the variance (Agostini eqs 7.45 and 7.46)
> 4) for k=0 (zero counts observed in a single pixel), this reduces to
> P(l|0)=e^(-l) for a single observation (pixel). (this is basic math; see
> also §7.4.1 of Agostini.
> 5) since we have 100 independent pixels, we must multiply the
> individual PDFs to get the overall PDF f, and also normalize to make the
> integral over that PDF to be 1: the result is f(l|all 100 pixels are
> 0)=n*e^(-n*l). (basic math). A more Bayesian procedure would be to realize
> that the posterior PDF P(l|0)=e^(-l) of the first pixel should be used as
> the prior for the second pixel, and so forth until the 100th pixel. This
> has the same result f(l|all 100 pixels are 0)=n*e^(-n*l) (Agostini §
> 7.7.2)!
> 6) the expectation value INTEGRAL_0_to_infinity over l*n*e^(-n*l) dl is
> 1/n .  This is 1 if n=1 as we know from 3a), and 1/100 for 100 pixels with
> 0 counts.
> 7) the variance is then INTEGRAL_0_to_infinity over
> (l-1/n)^2*n*e^(-n*l) dl . This is 1/n^2
> I find these results quite satisfactory. Please note that they deviate
> from the MLE result: expectation value=0, variance=0 . The problem appears
> to be that a Maximum Likelihood Estimator may give wrong results for small
> n; something that I've read a couple of times but which appears not to be
> universally known/taught. Clearly, the result in 6) and 7) for large n
> converges towards 0, as it should be.
> What this also means is that one should really work out the PDF instead
> of just adding expectation values and variances (and arriving at 100 if all
> 100 pixels have zero counts) because it is contradictory to use a uniform
> prior for all the pixels if OTOH these agree perfectly in being 0!
> What this means for zero-dose extrapolation I have not thought about.
> At least it prevents infinite weights!
> Best,
> Kay
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> ------
> Randy J. Read
> Department of Haematology, University of Cambridge
> Cambridge Institute for Medical Research     Tel: + 44 1223 336500
> The Keith Peters Building                               Fax: + 44 1223
> 336827
> Hills Road                                                       E-mail:
> rj...@cam.ac.uk<mailto:rj...@cam.ac.uk>
> Cambridge CB2 0XY, U.K.
> www-structmed.cimr.cam.ac.uk<http://www-structmed.cimr.cam.ac.uk/>
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> Randy J. Read
> Department of Haematology, University of Cambridge
> Cambridge Institute for Medical Research     Tel: + 44 1223 336500
> The Keith Peters Building                               Fax: + 44 1223
> 336827
> Hills Road                                                       E-mail:
> rj...@cam.ac.uk<mailto:rj...@cam.ac.uk>
> Cambridge CB2 0XY, U.K.
> www-structmed.cimr.cam.ac.uk<http://www-structmed.cimr.cam.ac.uk>
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> Randy J. Read
> Department of Haematology, University of Cambridge
> Cambridge Institute for Medical Research     Tel: + 44 1223 336500
> The Keith Peters Building                               Fax: + 44 1223
> 336827
> Hills Road                                                       E-mail:
> rj...@cam.ac.uk <rj...@cam.ac.uk>
> Cambridge CB2 0XY, U.K.
> www-structmed.cimr.cam.ac.uk
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Jacob Pearson Keller

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