Hello Pradeep,

Have you visually checked the model at these locations? Is this non-ideal 
geometry of the DNA supported by the map? At 2.3 A resolution, the DNA should 
be well resolved (both backbone and nucleic bases planes). Some (most?) 
DNA-binding proteins distort DNA when binding to it, so deviations from ideal 
geometry are not surprising, I would even say they are expected. You can find a 
striking example of DNA conformation deviating from ideal by looking at any 
structure containing a nucleosome (for instance 1AOI, or 1KX5 if you want the 
one with highest resolution). Check the validation report of an entry with a 
nucleosome: you will see that many geometry "problems" like yours are listed in 
the report, but since they are supported by the map it’s fine to deposit like 
that. It won’t be a problem to have geometry outliers as long as you can 
convincingly show that they are supported by the map.

I hope this helps,


On 8 Apr 2022, at 14:24, Pallan, Pradeep S 

REFMAC5 refinement: nucleic acid residues with bad geometry

Hi All,
I am in the final refinement stage of an X-ray structure of a protein-DNA 
2.3 A resolution, using Refmac5 (REFMAC 5.8.0267, CCP4Interface 7.1.018, Linux 
I am confident about the space group, refinement steps, dictionary files and 

In preparation for PDB deposition, I did a validation check and found that 
there are 12 instances
where the angles of DNA res deviate. My question is how can I improve the angles
in my refinement so that it's close to ideal geometry? In Refmac refinement,
"geometric restraints/geometric parameters", what is the range of 'Angle 
that one can use? I have tried varying the 'wt' (upto 2.5) and found that the 
have improved geometry, while a few remained.

bond angle (°) Measured bond angle (°)
1/D 3/DC/C1'   3/DC/O4'     3/DC/C4'  110.1 ± 1.0                       103.9
1/D 5/DA/OP1 5/DA/P        5/DA/OP2 119.6 ± 1.5                       128.6
1/D 5/DA/O5'  5/DA/P        5/DA/OP2 105.7 ± 0.9                        99.2
1/D 5/DA/C3'   5/DA/O3'    6/DA/P      119.7 ± 1.2                        112.3
1/D 7/DT/O4'   7/DT/C1'     7/DT/N1    108.3 ± 0.3                        110.3
1/D 7/DT/C3'    7/DT/O3'    8/DT/P       119.7 ± 1.2                        
1/D 9/EX/C3'    9/EX/O3'  10/DG/P      119.7 ± 1.2                        112.3
1/E 1/DC/C3'    1/DC/O3'   2/DG/P       119.7 ± 1.2                        110.5
1/E 4/6OG/C3' 4/6OG/O3' 5/DA/P       119.7 ± 1.2                        111.8
1/E 5/DA/O5' 5/DA/P        5/DA/OP1   105.7 ± 0.9                           98.2
1/E 6/DA/C1'   6/DA/O4'   6/DA/C4'     110.1 ± 1.0                        103.8
1/E 6/DA/O4'   6/DA/C1'   6/DA/N9      108.3 ± 0.3                        110.3

As a test, I have tried refining the same structure in Phenix.refine, and the 
geometry was better, but still have 4 angle violations. I do not want to use 
in this case, as my refinement was carried out using Refmac.

Any thoughts? With regards to Refmac refinement, the geometry issues are
common for RNA/DNA refinements. Please correct me if I am wrong. In my specific 
it's a protein-DNA complex with about 410 amino acid and 24 nucleic acid
residues, and no angle deviations for protein residues!

Pradeep Pallan

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