When I start coot on Mac there are several warnings:

/Applications/ccp4-8.0/coot_py2/bin/coot: line 81: 
/Applications/ccp4-8.0/coot_py2/bin/ccp4.setup-sh: No such file or directory
WARNING:: Coot REFMAC dictionary override COOT_REFMAC_LIB_DIRfailed to find a 
dictionary /Applications/ccp4-8.0/coot_py2/share/coot/lib
WARNING:: COOT_PREFIX set, but no dictionary lib found
WARNING: Failed to read restraints dictionary.
WARNING: in init_refmac_mon_lib, file "/data/monomers/list/mon_lib_list.cif" 
not found.
WARNING: file /data/monomers/a/ALA.cif is not a regular file
WARNING: file /data/monomers/a/ASP.cif is not a regular file
WARNING: file /data/monomers/n/NA.cif is not a regular file
WARNING:: energy lib /data/monomers/ener_lib.cif not found.

I cannot find the file ccp4.setup-sh in the ccp4 or coot directories. Where can 
I find this file?



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