Problematic is low multiplicity, not high, I’d say...


Rafael Marques da Silva
Mestre em Física Biomolecular
Universidade de São Paulo

Bacharel em Ciências Biológicas
Universidade Federal de São Carlos

phone: +55 16 99766-0021

           "A sorte acompanha uma mente bem treinada"

De: Winter, Graeme 
Enviado:segunda-feira, 19 de setembro de 2022 16:27
Assunto: Re: [ccp4bb] Multiplicity is more than 20

Hi Prasun

You just measured the reflections a lot. 33 is fine. More likely even with 
cubic space groups

I’d love to know where you got the idea of the limit from. I have data sets 
with more than 100 fold multiplicity

The R conversation I’ll leave to others

Best wishes Graeme

On 19 Sep 2022, at 20:32, Prasun Kumar <> wrote:

Hi All:

I have collected a dataset for a crystal of a 30 residues long helical peptide 
that makes a trimer in the solution. I also solved the structure to get a 
trimer. My issues start when I start preparing for a deposition.

Details about the data:

space group: I 21 3
Resolution: 1.6
Current Rfree/ Rwork: 0.21/0.19

According to Aimless, Multiplicity: 33.9, and I understand that the value 
should be less than or equal to 20. Does it mean that I have a lot of random 
noise or ice rings or something similar?
For the inner shell, R work is also higher than R free.

Please guide me in solving the above issue.

Thank You

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