Hi all,

I am having a bit of trouble with PAIREF.  I am trying to determine the 
resolution cutoff of a dataset which has a high Rwork (0.223)/free (0.275)value 
for the resolution (2.24A).  I have truncated this data further to 2.4A and the 
R values get better but the electron density maps do not improve whatsoever.  
When I put this data into PAIREF I get this message. 

WARNING: There are only 40 < 50 free reflections in the resolution shell 
2.75-2.70 A. Values of statistics Rfree and CCfree in this shell could be 
misleading. Consider setting thicker resolution shells.

This error occurs for all resolution bins.  Looking at the pdb log of the 
refined structure (where the data looks quite reasonable, maybe not a 2.3 
dataset but not much worse). 

REMARK   3     1   60.08 -    4.28    1.00     4135   213  0.1646 0.2213   
0.940  0.901
REMARK   3     2    4.28 -    3.40    1.00     4095   201  0.1951 0.2672   
0.928  0.857
REMARK   3     3    3.40 -    2.97    1.00     4099   204  0.2736 0.3303   
0.861  0.739
REMARK   3     4    2.97 -    2.70    1.00     4026   212  0.3486 0.3508   
0.726  0.551
REMARK   3     5    2.70 -    2.51    0.78     3178   154  0.4027 0.4062   
0.637  0.594
REMARK   3     6    2.50 -    2.36    0.29     1154    60  0.4118 0.3984   
0.647  0.547
REMARK   3     7    2.36 -    2.24    0.01       29     1  0.3366 0.4089   
0.343  0.000

Where I assume NFree is the issue, but doesn't suggest that there arent enough 
reflections.  There needs to be a higher cutoff as the completeness goes to 
pot, but the scaling log from DIALS suggested it was at least a good starting 

 Statistics by resolution bin:
         d_max  d_min   #obs  #uniq   mult.  %comp       <I>  <I/sI>    r_mrg   
r_meas    r_pim   cc1/2   cc_ano
        118.81   5.97  10436   1577    6.62  99.94     797.6    22.8    0.110   
 0.120    0.046   0.992*  -0.397
          5.97   4.74   9602   1549    6.20 100.00     491.7    10.0    0.172   
 0.188    0.075   0.979*  -0.240
          4.74   4.14  10410   1528    6.81 100.00     513.5    10.3    0.191   
 0.207    0.079   0.978*  -0.281
          4.14   3.76  10833   1551    6.98 100.00     324.7     6.9    0.238   
 0.257    0.098   0.969*  -0.419
          3.76   3.49  10956   1526    7.18 100.00     207.5     4.6    0.259   
 0.280    0.105   0.975*  -0.271
          3.49   3.29  10899   1546    7.05 100.00     133.4     3.1    0.272   
 0.294    0.111   0.966*  -0.258
          3.29   3.12   9565   1528    6.26  99.93      86.9     2.0    0.314   
 0.343    0.136   0.935*  -0.346
          3.12   2.99   9256   1519    6.09 100.00      57.1     1.3    0.354   
 0.387    0.154   0.932*  -0.354
          2.99   2.87   9317   1524    6.11 100.00      43.6     1.0    0.403   
 0.441    0.177   0.934*  -0.198
          2.87   2.77  10087   1549    6.51 100.00      30.9     0.7    0.455   
 0.494    0.192   0.923*  -0.116
          2.77   2.69  10157   1524    6.66 100.00      26.4     0.6    0.503   
 0.546    0.210   0.927*  -0.132
          2.69   2.61  10351   1541    6.72 100.00      19.3     0.4    0.613   
 0.665    0.255   0.925*  -0.155
          2.61   2.54  10121   1504    6.73 100.00      15.5     0.4    0.735   
 0.797    0.306   0.906*  -0.088
          2.54   2.48  10510   1539    6.83 100.00      12.4     0.3    0.932   
 1.009    0.385   0.857*   0.006
          2.48   2.42  10432   1519    6.87 100.00      11.2     0.2    0.972   
 1.052    0.399   0.829*  -0.111
          2.42   2.37  10596   1532    6.92 100.00      10.2     0.2    1.095   
 1.184    0.447   0.844*  -0.083
          2.37   2.32  10577   1535    6.89 100.00       8.9     0.2    1.259   
 1.361    0.514   0.825*  -0.082
          2.32   2.28  10217   1513    6.75 100.00       7.8     0.2    1.421   
 1.540    0.587   0.725*  -0.056
          2.28   2.24   9702   1521    6.38 100.00       6.4     0.1    1.683   
 1.834    0.721   0.600*  -0.001
          2.24   2.20   9551   1538    6.21 100.00       6.1     0.1    1.895   
 2.071    0.826   0.603*  -0.041
        118.64   2.20 203575  30663    6.64  99.99     142.0     3.3    0.222   
 0.241    0.093   0.989*  -0.265

Does anyone have any insight into where PAIREF is getting hung up? I am welcome 
to any other suggestions with regards to handling this dataset to determine 
resolution cutoff.  I can also supply any other log files that may be useful



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