Dear all,

I have crystal with a protein homotetramer in the asymmetric unit, and I 
suspect from the electron density that the average B-factor of one chain may be 
substantially different than the others. Thus I would like to see the effect, 
if any, of changing the B-factor restraints between the NCS-related copies on 
the refinement statistics and maps.
The question is: when using local NCS restraints in Refmac5, is there a way to 
change the weight restraining the B-factors of the NCS-related molecules? I 
went through the manual pages, but I am still confused as to which instruction 
I should use.

I also tried to approach the problem differently by defining manually the 
regions (using the old or new syntax):
ncsr nchains 2 chain A D nspans 1 2 346 6
ncsr nchains 2 chain B C nspans 1 2 346 2

ncsr group 1 chain A D residue 2 346 sigx 0.002 sigb 10.0
ncsr group 2 chain B C residue 2 346 sigx 0.002 sigb 5.0

OR using the ccp4i GUI (that of course generates a command file with the syntax 
as in the first example)

but Refmac5 always stops with the following error:

The program run with command: /Applications/ccp4-8.0/bin/refmac5 XYZIN 
 LIBIN "/Users/degano.massimo/Desktop/Projects/NH/Marco_Ribose/RIB_mon.cif" 
LIBOUT "/Users/degano.massimo/Desktop/Projects/NH/Marco_Ribose/UNHR_104_lib.cif"

has failed with error message

At line 5576 of file 
(unit = 7, file = '/tmp/degano.massimo/refmac5_temp1.35666_NCS_R')

Fortran runtime error: I/O past end of record on unformatted file

Error termination. Backtrace:

#0  0x15af88579

#1  0x15af89235

#2  0x15af89999​

#3  0x15b054b40

#4  0x10c15a251

#5  0x10c4cb7ed

#6  0x10c184856

#7  0x10c0653c4

#8  0x10c59a6de

It appears that the lsq_exp2 subroutine takes exception to the input, most 
likely the contents of the binary temp file that is written by Refmac5. I 
installed ccp4-8.0 from the MacOSX distribution and I have the 8.0.005 update.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Dr. Massimo Degano
Biocrystallography Unit
Dept. of Immunology, Transplantation, and Infectious Diseases
IRCCS Scientific Institute San Raffaele
via Olgettina 58
20132 Milan - Italy
phone: +39-0226437152
fax: +39-0226434153
skype: maxdegano
ORCID: 0000-0002-0787-1883

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