The macromolecular crystallography group at the HZB welcomes applications

for a Ph. D. position on the structure and function of plastic degrading 

Within the Helmholtz project FINEST, a doctoral position is available for the

sub-project MICROPLASTICS, which will address the microbial/biochemical 

of synthetic polymer (plastics) fractions of fine-grained residues 
(microplastics) to

yield valuable products and/or inert residues for safe deposition.

In the PhD project, initially characterized and also novel fungal biocatalysts 

FINEST partner UFZ Leipzig acting on synthetic polymers and/or polymer additives

will be biochemically and structurally characterised to enhance their catalytic 

on a structural basis and with bioinformatic tools (in silico protein 

FINEST partners UFZ and University of Greifswald will provide strong support in 

provision of novel enzymes and their biochemical characterization, respectively.

With FINEST partner HZDR, located in Dresden Rossendorf, an innovative assay for

the detection of micro- and nanoplastic particles will be developed.

For detailed information, please follow this link:

Dr. Manfred S. Weiss
Macromolecular Crystallography
Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin
Albert-Einstein-Str. 15
D-12489 Berlin


Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH

Mitglied der Hermann von Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Deutscher Forschungszentren e.V.

Aufsichtsrat: Vorsitzender Dr. Volkmar Dietz, stv. Vorsitzende Dr. Jutta 
Geschäftsführung: Prof. Dr. Bernd Rech, Thomas Frederking

Sitz Berlin, AG Charlottenburg, 89 HRB 5583

Hahn-Meitner-Platz 1
14109 Berlin

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