I put the wrong dates in the previous post ... the course runs from March 22 - 
April 1

The deadline for applications for a place at the RapiData 2023 @ SSRL workshop 
has been extended until Friday, January 27 2023. There are still a few spots 
left, so get your application in!

The workshop will be held virtually from March 22 - April 1 2023. The course 
will comprise lectures on the following topics: Specimen preparation, Data 
collection strategies, X-ray light sources, X-ray detectors, Data reduction, 
Structure solution by MAD, SAD and Molecular Replacement, Complementary methods 
(spectroscopy, small angle scattering and cryoEM). There will also be several 
days of software tutorials (HKL3000,XDS, CCP4/DIALS, Phenix, 
AutoSharp/AutoProc, Shelx, Coot) and you will all get to connect remotely to 
the SSRL beamlines to collect both monochromatic and MAD/SAD data. There is 
also an opportunity to ship your own samples to SSRL prior to the workshop, and 
collect your own data.

Please visit https://www-ssrl.slac.stanford.edu/rapidata/rapidata-2023/ and use 
the link on the "Application/Registration" page to apply for the course. 
Successful applicants will be notified on February 1 2023, and invited to 
register (there will be no registration fee).

Please direct questions to Silvia Russi (sru...@slac.stanford.edu) or Clyde 
Smith (csm...@slac.stanford.edu).


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