Dear All,

CCP4 asks you to support the 2024-2028 CCP4 grant application for funding 
through the BBSRC by signing on

the following web page:

Please express your support for the valuable resource that benefits the whole 

Further details are appended below and in the attached document.

Many thanks,

Eugene Krissinel on behalf of Ivo Tews, CCP4 Chair.

Request for support for the 2024-2028 CCP4 grant application for funding 
through the BBSRC

Dear colleague,

We are writing to ask for your support for the scientific proposal we are about 
to submit to the BBSRC on behalf of CCP4 this month, that will deliver 
methodology to advance macromolecular crystallography. Collaboration partners 
in this proposal are the Universities of Liverpool, Newcastle, Southampton, 
York, the LMB Cambridge, STFC laboratories at RAL, and the Diamond Light 
Source. The core scientific support by BBSRC grants has been central to the 
success of CCP4 and has underpinned our ability to raise additional funds 
through commercial licences that support maintenance and distribution of the 
software and the user community.

Over the past year, CCP4 has collated ideas to define the current scientific 
challenges we need to address. The CCP4 Executive selected the strongest 
proposals, sharing and discussing them with the community at the Working Group 
1 meeting at the CCP4 study weekend earlier this year. Important new trends 
accelerate and enrich structural biology. The new-generation of machine 
learning computational models have a major impact – allowing us to use these 
models in our science and to solve new structures. The exponential growth of EM 
depositions complements macromolecular crystallography, providing many 
structures of membrane proteins and macromolecular complexes.

Your support underlines the central role that macromolecular crystallography 
continues to play in basic and translational bioscience, delivering the 
throughput and resolution needed for drug discovery and chemical probes, 
experimentally validating and improving computational models, and ideally 
complementing the strength of cryo-EM. The scientific objectives in the 
proposed work packages (WPs) build on the outputs of previous grants to deliver 
novel science and tools to transform the utility, throughput and accuracy of 
macromolecular crystal structure:

  *   to develop a theoretical framework to support the multi data - multi 
model nature of modern structural studies and enable joint refinement and 
description of the dynamic behaviour of macromolecules (WP1/WP2 - Diamond 
Source, the LMB Cambridge, and the Universities of Southampton and York);
  *   to generate novel tools for exploiting electron diffraction from 
macromolecular crystals (WP3 - STFC laboratories at RAL);
  *   to integrate exciting developments in AI to apply deep learning based 
predictions of contacts and distances, in particular for complexes and RNA 
targets (WP4 - Liverpool University).

We ask you to endorse our application by signing up on a form at your email, your affiliation, and your 
position (PI, Technical staff, PDRA, PhD, undergraduate, or other). We will use 
the information to generate statistics that will be included with this 
application to the BBSRC (and no other purpose).

If you are a PI, we additionally ask you to send a letter of support directly 
to the CCP4 Chair ( Letters of support must be received 
by the 17th of April.

With many thanks in advance for your time and support.

Ivo Tews
CCP4, Chair

The Collaborative Computing Project 4 was established in 1979 and continues to 
underpin world class macromolecular structural science in the UK. Effective use 
of data collected at synchrotron, XFEL and electron microscopy facilities is at 
the heart of the project’s mission. User communities benefiting from such 
research include academics as well as industrial users. At the interface of the 
two, CCP4 enables discoveries that underlie vaccine and therapy discovery 
(including, e.g., SARS-CoV-2) and may equally be applied to tackle modern 
challenges such as adaptation to climate change, biotechnology, or public 


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Description: CCP4_2024-28_CommunitySuppor.pdf

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