Dear colleagues,


The unit of Immunology and General Pathology of the department of Molecular
Medicine of the University of Pavia, in Northern Italy, is looking for a
post-doctoral researcher in structural biology for a three-year appointment.

Our laboratory has worked, since co-discovering the Hepatocyte Growth
Factor/Scatter Factor in the mid-1980s, on the structural aspects of HGF/SF
binding to and activation of the MET tyrosine kinase receptor and the role
of the co-receptor heparan sulphate. The work has yielded insights into the
structures of these complex proteins and formed the basis for the design of
novel inhibitors and recombinant agonists. We recently developed, through
structure-based rational design, a potent agonist called K1K1 that is
currently being tested for treatment of common chronic and acute diseases
affecting lung and liver in collaboration with academic groups in France and
a large international pharmaceutical company.

The project will focus on the full structural characterisation and
mechanistic understanding of receptor activation by K1K1 and the role of
heparan in this using cryo-EM, SAXS, and protein crystallography. The
department of Molecular Medicine is fully equipped for structural biology
with protein expression and crystallisation facilities, a Glacios 200 kV
cryo-EM microscope, and regular access to the ESRF and other European
beamlines. Expertise is shared among several groups working in the field of
biochemistry and protein structure. The University of Pavia, one of the
oldest academic institutions in the world, offers a stimulating environment
while the city itself is vibrant and conveniently located between the Alps,
the Apennines, and the stunning Ligurian coast.

Applicants can apply through the following link: where the project is identified as
medmol-2023-b03 (responsible person: Hugo de Jonge).

For additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at <> .




Hugo de Jonge


Unit of Immunology and General Pathology

Department of Molecular Medicine          

Pavia University




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