You are cordially invited to join  the Center for Biomolecular Structure 
Lecture Series ………..

Olga  Rechkoblit

Mount Sinai School of Medicine

WEDNESDAY, February 21, 13:30 (EST)

"Activation of bacterial immune system by cyclic nucleotides"

Register in advance for this meeting:

                               Time conversion Link:<*3A*2F**2F&data=05*7C01*7Cgenoa.blankenship**7C67ffe754733240e42d3e08da641ba4bc*7Cd6faa5f90ae240338c0130048a38deeb*7C0*7C0*7C637932367171794987*7CUnknown*7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0*3D*7C3000*7C*7C*7C&sdata=aSe2IUSomjge9ZW6zXdQ81fPzxpg8eawtRkoiOEJdXM*3D&reserved=0__;JSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSU!!P4SdNyxKAPE!Fd5kIAbibocFpkUaEbpqZZGm8tw-xiqb5oC4sfOklv6Kbbf-T3RvUobMSLrzyXNbfNVT9vMxJGuY1RsSqbc6MjpIABre1Q$>

Abstract: The bacterial CBASS system is similar to the cGAS-STING system in 
humans, containing an enzyme that synthesizes a cyclic nucleotide upon viral 
infection and an effector that senses the second messenger for the anti-viral 
response. Cap5, containing a SAVED domain coupled to an HNH DNA endonuclease 
domain, is the most abundant CBASS effector, yet the mechanism by which it 
becomes activated for cell killing remains unknown. We present here 
high-resolution structures of full-length Cap5 from Pseudomonas syringae (Ps) 
with second messengers. The key to PsCap5 activation is a dimer-to-tetramer 
transition, whereby the binding of second messenger to dimer triggers an 
open-to-closed transformation of the SAVED domains, furnishing a surface for 
assembly of the tetramer. This movement propagates to the HNH domains, 
juxtaposing and converting two HNH domains into states for DNA destruction. 
These results show how Cap5 effects bacterial cell suicide and we provide 
proof-in-principle data that the CBASS can be extrinsically activated to limit 
bacterial infections.


Vivian Stojanoff, PhD

Education, Training, Outreach

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p 1(631) 344 8375




Center for Biomolecular Structure

National Synchrotron Light Source II

Building 745

Brookhaven National Laboratory

Upton NY 11973


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