Dear Stefano,
  I wonder if the problem is simply displaying any ccp4i2 reports on
the new computer, rather than just the imported ones. Have you tried
creating a completely new project and seeing if anything works in
that? There are some potential things to think about in the log file.

Best wishes,

On Fri, 23 Feb 2024 at 10:00, Stefano Trapani
<> wrote:
> Hi
> I am having troubles in transferring my ccp4i2 projects from one computer 
> (MacOS) to another (Linux).
> First, I export my projects on the first computer by using the "Manage 
> Projects / Export" tool.
> Then, I copy the files to the second computer.
> Finally, I import the files on the second computer by using 
> the "Manage Projects / Import" tool (see screenshot 1.png)
> Import runs OK (see screenshot 2.png), but all job reports seem to disappear 
> (see screenshot 3.png). After a while, the message "ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT" 
> appears in the report frame (see 3.png).
> What could be the reason of that ?
> I am attaching a log file.
> Best
> Stefano Trapani
> Maître de Conférences
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> Université de Montpellier
> CNRS UMR 5048
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