Dear Daniel,

When board members expressed their opinions on social maladies (e.g. real or apparent sexism, anti-migrant bias, etc.) in the sciences in the past, that was being (divisively) political too--and thankfully so, I think.

An exhortation to refrain from political issues is, like it or not, itself political. Why so? Because it implies an exhortation to be complacent with the status quo level of various social maladies in the sciences and in the society at large, from which the sciences hardly stand isolated. (American historian Howard Zinn put it aptly when he said, "You Can't Be Neutral On A Moving Train." There's also a nice book of his of the same name, with some alternative views on other issues you touch on.)

Best regards,

Navdeep Sidhu

On 15.02.24 04:40, Daniel M. Himmel, Ph. D. wrote:
Dear all,

That’s a very nice idea to have an app to combat misinformation that can undermine the integrity of science and foster mistrust of scientific inquiry.But to launch such an app raises the obvious question:

Who is to be the arbiter of what is true and what is “misinformation”?

The way to uphold the integrity of science is with a free exchange of ideas, not an app or document that decides which publication or which interpretation of the data is real science and which is misinformation.

Thanks go to Bryan Lepore for pointing out that the work of Herbert Marcuse (a strong advocate of a brand of Marxism once popular in Germany) led to much violence in the USA.Violent revolutions are how a great deal of science has been lost during the last several thousand years of human history, which is why we’re first determining atomic and near-atomic resolution structures in the 20th and 21st centuries, not eons ago.

So, my humble request:Can we stick to crystallography and allied fields of structure determination on this e-mail list, and not digress into divisive politics, please?

Respectfully submitted,



Daniel M. Himmel, Ph. D.

Principal, Himmel Sci Med Com, LLC

E-mail: <>

URL   : <>

On Wed, Feb 14, 2024 at 7:52 AM Bryan Lepore < <>> wrote:

    The idea of "Global Sustainability" can be found in the documents
    for the noted projects, so the United Nations "Sustainable
    Development Goals" appear to be worth reviewing as background - even
    though it appears the UN or UNESCO (below) is irrelevant to them :

    “Transformation is the red thread running through all the
    Sustainable Development Goals, the United Nations’ agenda for
    responding to global challenges facing humanity and the planet.
    Setting our world on a more sustainable course requires radical
    shifts in current development paradigms that are exacerbating
    inequalities and imperilling [sic] our common future. This
    transition is dependent on new knowledge, research and competences
    that only higher education institutions are in a position to
    provide, rooted in their historic role of service to society.”


    “In 1964, inspiring the 1968-student revolt a couple of years later,
    Herbert Marcuse wrote a key text against “one dimensional man”,
    urging universities and campuses around the world to become places
    that resisted reductionism. ”


    Parr, et. al.

    “Knowledge-driven actions: transforming higher education for global

    UNESCO <>


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