You can get apparent twinning if neighbouring spots are overlapped in any direction, and that may be worse with a home source with larger beam divergence. In that case a weak reflection may be corrupted by a neighbouring strong reflection, leading to intensity statistics characteristic of twinning


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On 25 Mar 2024, at 19:24, Thomas, Leonard M. <> wrote:

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I have run into a very odd situation.  Upon collection and data processing on a crystal on my home source all pointers seemed to show twinning.  Was not surprised since previous crystals under different but related conditions have showed significant twinning though the cell dimensions were different but not the resulting apparent space group.  

Now the odd thing, I sent the crystal to the synchrotron figuring I might be able to get some data that might help figure out what is going on.  Upon processing of the synchrotron data, SSRL 9-2, magically no twining was detected.  A couple of other crystals of the same compound though not from the same exact condition showed the twinning.  I processed the data using HKL, which I primarily on my home source data and XDS with similar results.  

In summary, the exact same crystal shows twinning on Cu home source and no twinning at all at the synchrotron.

Any ideas would be welcomed.


Leonard Thomas, Ph.D.
Biomolecular Structure Core, Director
Oklahoma COBRE in Structural Biology
Price Family Foundation Institute of Structural Biology
University of Oklahoma
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
101 Stephenson Parkway
Norman, OK 73019-5251
Office: (405)325-1126

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