Dear all,

The Spanish *Network of Integrative Structural Biology (ISBIN)* is pleased
to announce the symposium on the integrative use of NMR, cryo-electron
microscopy, macromolecular crystallography (static and time-resolved),
small-angle X-ray scattering and computation in Barcelona and at the nearby
Alba Synchrotron on *November 14 and 15, 2024*. Save the date!

We will keep you posted with upcoming news. Please check for further
announcements at

Speakers that have confirmed their participation include:

*Pau Bernadó, *Centre de Biochimie Structurale, France

*Gisela Brändén*, University of Gothenburg, Sweden

*José Maria Carazo,* National Centre for Biotechnolgy, Spain

*Irene Díaz*, University of Sevilla, Spain

I*srael S. Fernández*, Biofisika Institute, Spain

*Damià Garriga*, ALBA Synchrotron Light Source, Spain

*Marcelo Guerín*, Institute of Molecular Biology of Barcelona, Spain

*Juan Hermoso*, Institute of Physical Chemistry, Spain

*Charalampos Kalodimos*, St Jude Children's Research Hospital, USA

*Tea Pavkov-Keller*, University of Graz, Austria

*Arwen Pearson*, University of Hamburg, Germany

*Joanna Pereira*, Biozentrum Basel, Switzerland

*Florian Schur*, Institute of Science and Technology, Austria

*Harald Schwalbe*, University of Frankfurt, Germany

*Joanna Timmins*, Institute de Biologie Structurale, France

*Núria Verdaguer*,  Institute of Molecular Biology of Barcelona, Spain

The Organizing Committee J. Juanhuix, C. González, O. Millet, M. Pons, J.F.
Sangüesa, M.Solà, I. Usón, N. Verdaguer

Maria Solà
Dep. Structural Biology IBMB-CSIC
Barcelona Science Park (Helix Building)
Baldiri Reixac 15
Tel: (+34) 93 403 4950
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