Dear CCP4BB,

A friendly reminder that Early Career Diffraction Methods Seminar 2024 is on 
the horizon! Taking place July 21-22, 2024 at The Harnack Haus, Berlin, this 
meeting is designed for early-career scientists to present and explore the 
latest advancements in diffraction methods, and engage with experts in the 
field. To register for a talk or poster presentation, and to view the full 
conference schedule, please visit

The early career seminar precedes the highly anticipated Diffraction Methods in 
Structural Biology 2024 conference, running from July 22-27, 2024, and provides 
an excellent opportunity to showcase your work, receive valuable feedback, and 
connect with your peers.

Applications are still open and we invite you to submit abstracts for oral and 
poster presentations! Spaces are very limited and we hope to choose the seminar 
speakers from amongst the submitted abstracts by the first week of June.

We are also pleased to announce that reduced student conference fees of €400, 
and through our kind sponsors IUCr and MiTeGen, we have early career travel 
grants available. To apply for a grant, please send a letter of recommendation 
from your supervisor to 

Confirmed seminar speakers and panel members include:

Marcus Fischer, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, USA
Karin Khünel, Structure, Germany
Louise Dunnett, Diamond Light Source, UK
Nicholas Pearce, Linköping University, Sweden
Helen Ginn, DESY, Germany

See you in Berlin!
Helena & Ali 

On behalf of the organizers of both events, Graeme Winter, Kunio Hirata, Helena 
Taberman, Ali Ebrahim, Arwen Pearson and Ashwin Chari


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