On 2015-06-10 00:59, Mark J. Blair wrote:

On Jun 9, 2015, at 15:44 , Glen Slick <glen.sl...@gmail.com> wrote:

An alternative would be to look for a cheap Fujitsu M2444AC tape drive
(often seen with Sun badges). They have Pertec interfaces, but it is
probably easier and cheaper most of the time to find a Pertec tape
drive interface for a DEC system than a SCSI interface, and they can
be interfaced to ISA bus PCs. They are built like tanks and weigh
around 200 pounds, which is why they can sometimes be had for cheap if
you find one within driving distance because no one would want to pay
to ship one.

I'm looking for a SCSI interfaced drive so I can hook it up to my Sun Ultra 60, 
running Solaris 8. I don't run any ISA bus machines other than a 5155 Portable 
PC and a very crappy old 386 box dedicated to running ImageDisk, and my Sun 
would be much easier to use for this purpose, I think. It's also just new 
enough that it's not hard to get it talking to my current machines over the 
network, so it makes a nice bridge machine.

I already have a magtape drive on my VAX, and was pleased to see it pass the 
diagnostic tests this weekend. It's a TU80. It hooks up to my VAX with a couple 
of 50-pin connectors... Hmm, maybe it has a Pertec interface, so another option 
might be to find a Pertec to SCSI adapter and use the same drive on multiple 

Just fyi: the TU80 is 1600 bpi only.


Johnny Billquist                  || "I'm on a bus
                                  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: b...@softjar.se             ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive!                     ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

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