Hi Guys

The combination of shipments going out and resposes to the survay (thanks everybody)
have shown up some diffences between 8/e's.

The first and most important one is the change of markings for the selector switch where they must have changed switch type at some point. Its the case that you will have one or the other. I can get another screen made up with the angled markings at switch positions 1 and 6.
When you order you can then specify which one you require.

The other two are cosmetic and have no impact on operation. Firstly there is sometimes a line around the area where the selector switch is located. Secondly vertical lines dividing up the lamps into groups of three are sometimes present.

I can't yet work out if there's any pattern to where they do and dont appear. (not enough data) The easiest way to fix this is to either add the markings to all the panels or none of them.

Comments please....


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