A couple of things.

Firstly, I noticed that my Mini-Pro could only read SOME of the 2716's I
had, not all of them.  So, just because it read as zeros might not mean
it really is.

Secondly, there is a 2K bit Altos-related ROM available at


There is a link to a zip file.  Look for the one labeled ALTOS.ROM in
the zip file - is is the right size (2K Bits).  It is "Monitor Version
6.05" - but it looks like is for a system that could have a hard disk.

I have an Altos 8000-2 (double density) that I just acquired off eBay
that is in a similar state - no floppy activity, nothing on the
terminal.  But I was able to dump its rom with an 8K Bytesaver - haven't
disassembled it yet.

If you weren't aware, Doc on the 8000 series is available at
http://www.bitsavers.org/pdf/altos .  But I don't think it covers the 8500.


On 6/21/2015 10:43 AM, Chris Osborn wrote:
> Thanks to Josh Dersch I now have a good copy of the ROM for the Altos 8500 
> boards. I’ve put it up online here:
>   http://retrobattlestations.com/Altos/Altos-8000-8500.rom
> I burned it and popped it in but my Altos still doesn’t come up. Nothing is 
> output on console 1. I’ll have to start walking through everything and check 
> if the Z80 is getting clock, see if it’s running, and so on. I’m sure I can 
> get it fixed, it’s just going to be more work. :-)
> --
> Follow me on twitter: @FozzTexx
> Check out my blog: http://insentricity.com

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